White Perch (Morone americana)

Also known as … White perch, often confused with sand perch and white crappie
Description …
White perch have a silvery, greenish-gray body, they are highly domed in shape with a gray or blackish back. This fades to a whitish belly. There are faint lines on the side and slightly forked tail. There is a deep notch in the dorsal fin, which has several spines in the first section. There are three spines on the anal fin. They grow about 7 to 10 inches and average less than a pound, but can get larger. The lower jaw projects slightly.

They can be voracious feeders and are considered a nuisance in many states. They live in brackish and fresh waters in shallow channels and flats, as well as quiet freshwater streams. They move to deep channels in the winter time. They live in our waters year round, up and down the Delaware Bay and its tributaries. They will feed on minnows, fish eggs, detritus, insects, and crustaceans. Grass shrimp and small minnows are a popular bait on small hooks. A float with a tiny lead jig head baited works well for catching. They are popular fish to catch in the winter months and several can make a nice meal. They are considered a panfish and are actually related to bass and not true perch.
Delaware Creel limit …
Panfish (white perch, yellow perch, crappie, bluegill & pumpkinseed) |
All year |
None |
50 (no more than 25 of one species) |
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