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Surf Fishing News

Any and all updates regarding salt water fishing in Delaware.

DNREC moves City of Rehoboth Beach wastewater disposal financing forward and agrees to a new discharge removal deadline

DNREC moves City of Rehoboth Beach wastewater disposal financing forward and agrees to a new discharge removal deadline DOVER (Jan. 5, 2015) – DNREC Secretary David Small has signed a Record of Decision (ROD) concurring with an assessment by the City of Rehoboth Beach that an ocean outfall is the most environmentally and financially…

Happy New Year

Hope everyone is ready for a great new year in 2015.  We had a lot of fun adventures last year, looking forward to more.  We helped the boys, Richie Owens and John Bell, complete  

ASMFC Releases Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXVI

ASMFC Releases Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXVI for Public Comment & Approves Continuation of Ad-Hoc Regional Management Approaches for 2015 Black Sea Bass Recreational Fishery   Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board approved

Post Nor’easter update

Well that was fun!  We got hammered yesterday, back bays flooding in communities, route 1 covered in water, and lots of wind.  Basically the usual flooding with a few surprises but nothing major.  See the gallery below for storm pictures.  

Coastal storm this week There is a large coastal storm headed towards the northeast.  We are mostly going to see rain from this storm, but we saw a little snow not long ago move through the area.

Striped bass fishing has picked up at sea

In the past twenty four hours, ever since that storm front came through, the striped bass fishing has picked up immensely.  Boats at the Overfalls, to the lumps near Sea Colony, and between are picking up limits of striped bass.  We went from random keepers at maybe one per boat at best, after hours of fishing, to lots of hookups for…

Crab Pot season is over and striped bass season is slow

Weill it is December first and it is sixty degrees outside, merry flip flop weather.  Crab pot season has ended and they need to be removed from the waters.  This is a great day to clean and repair your crab pots.  Check the turtle guards if they need replacing.  A pressure washer works great when the pots are still wet from soaking…

Delaware Surf Fishing Outdoors Show Sneak Peak Would you like to see a weekly local TV show about Delaware's outdoors? We have been working behind the scenes, literally, for some time now to put together an outdoors show for Delaware.  This is something I have been working on and wanting to do for two years.  Please take a look…

Thanksgiving eve fishing conditions Well first it was cold and we were all like, this is horrible, then it hit seventy degrees and we were all like, it's too hot.  Now it is gale force winds, raining and the waves are gi-mungous.  The fishing has been very random for keepers from boat and especially the surf. Basically non…

Great White Shark Betsy Visits Delaware Beaches

Yesterday the great white shark Betsy tagged by the OCEARCH organization pinged off of Henlopen acres.  Then she pinged off of Delaware Seashore State Park, and eventually 3Rs beach.  Now she is back out to sea.  Ever since people started tracking these sharks online it makes you wonder how many more are always out there, not just…

Frigid fishing

This fishing report is brought to you by Techno Goober in Lewes, DE.  They are the best in the business for all your web service needs.  It is ridiculous cold out today in the twenties.  The thermometer is hiding under the house and won't come out till spring.  After the weekend we will be back in the 60's I'm going to explode from…

Seals showing up in the Delaware Bay

Over the weekend Jim Bell and his Uncle were fishing and a small seal popped up next to them while they were at the haystacks, or ice breakers.  They said it gave them a bit of a show, managed one picture, then the seal dove, and never popped back up again.  From the picture it is obviously a seal, but hard to tell if a harbor or…

Delaware Mobile Surf fishing tournament this weekend

DMS Intra-club Tournament It's time to fish! (From the DMS site) ... The 2014 DMS Intra-club Tournament will be held November 15 & 16, 2014.   The hours of competition are from 6 AM to 3 PM. The Tournament is for DMS members only, with the grand prize being the most sought-after award every angler desires - BRAGGING RIGHTS! The rules…

Cape Henlopen Pier Will Reopen After Repairs

The Cape Henlopen pier as you are already aware has been closed for repairs. Since that press release, I have heard from hundreds of people that would like to know why, when, how, and many have ideas to suggest improvements of what is already there. I have heard it all from bring the "T" at the end back, to build a new pier. I called Ray Bivens…

Striped Bass and Gator Blues in the House

That title is either a quick fishing report or the next band line up at your favorite watering hole.  Well if you haven't heard by now, we have big migratory striped bass in the Delaware Bay and big slammer, gator bluefish.  The bass showed up after or during the nor'easter.  No one knows exactly when, since no one was fishing the bay…

Striped Bass Regulations Set to Change in 2015

The other day I sat home and listened to the webinar of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commision (ASMFC) conference for deciding the new striped bass regulations.  I followed a few friends that were there on Facebook for live updates, as I listened to the meeting.  It was civil, yet heated as anything involving many states with…

Cats On The Loose in Delaware

So I am sure by now everyone has heard about the twenty thousand dollar exotic pet cat that is on the loose up north in the Brandywine Hundred.  Apparently this cat named Boo, escaped from his owners dwelling, and has been on the loose for almost two weeks.  It resembles a small leopard with a little head, large ears, elongated…

The Fall Run … Coming Soon to a Beach Near You?

So when are the big bass going to arrive?  I think I hear that question ten times a day.  My answer is always, when they get here and then all you can do is smile.  Honestly to call exactly when the fall run will arrive in Delaware is hard, only the fish know.  So you have to watch other sites for reports, and talk to friends up and…

Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier Closed For Repairs

DNREC closes Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier for safety reasons LEWES (Oct. 27, 2014) – DNREC Division of Parks & Recreation Director Ray Bivens has ordered the immediate closure of the aging Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier as a safety measure after a recent structural analysis report found that the pier required significant repairs if it is to…

Windy weekend and sea witch is on town The wind has been ridiculous the past few days, well, mostly for the past month.  When it isn't pouring rain, the trees are raining leaves.  The autumn colors look great, the nights are crisp, and the days when the sun is out are decent, especially if you can get out of the wind.  Today…

What to expect this weekend in the surf

Leaves are falling and trees are turning colors.  The driveway is under a blanket of fresh leaves, and it is the perfect time to rake them up, but as usual I will blow that off and go fishing instead.  Then after a good three or four rains and the leaves have all packed together, I will cuss them and myself for waiting that long.  …

Blue Fin Tuna In The Surf in Delaware?

Yes, seriously there was a bluefin tuna found in the surf today, at Fenwick Island.  I know guys that catch bluefin tuna in the surf in New Jersey mixed in with the migratory striped bass schools.  Usually they are in close feeding on stripers and sand eels, this only occurs only in certain areas.  Today a bluefin was seen near the…

Delaware Bay Closure for Naval Exercises

The Coast Guard is establishing three temporary safety zones on the waters of the Delaware Bay and North Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Cape May, New Jersey. The safety zones will restrict vessel traffic on a portion of the Delaware Bay and North Atlantic Ocean while a Navy exercise is taking place. These temporary safety zones are necessary to…

A Weekend of Fishing in the Elements Fishing has been fun this weekend despite the weather and winds.  Friday before it got too nasty out Scott, Ed and I went to the outer wall to do a little tog fishing.  We were on Scott's boat and it was the first trip to the wall, we had three hundred and fifty feet of anchor line.  Scott said we have…

Modified mullet rigs catch more bluefish

I went fishing yesterday with a buddy of mine from college, Matt Rich, whom I have not seen in twenty years.  He grew up on the Eastern shore and is now residing in Los Angelos.  Of course he wanted to catch striped bass and some big bluefish, and I told him unfortunately they are not here like they were back in those days and it is…

The Lunar Eclipse of Oct 8 2014

The second lunar eclipse of the year will light up the sky early Wednesday morning in North America,  It will be the most visible from the Pacific coast.  The Earth will be between the moon and the sun and a lunar eclipse will occur.  At the peak of the eclipse the moon will have a red hue.  It has been dubbed the blood moon due to the color it…

DSF’s End Of Season Sale

So, in the spirit of early holiday shopping (Have you seen the Christmas trees at Lowes?).  We have decided to bring up the holiday sales a month or more early because Black Friday and Cyber Monday are always crazy.  The online store now has 20% off all orders over $20.  Orders totaling over $100 will receive a free bottle of Gneux…

Weekend fishing what to expect

Trees are slowly starting to show signs of changing colors.  Temperatures are still dropping both in the air and water.  There is a cold front coming through this weekend, which will plummet water temperatures even further.  The water is still stirred up in the inland bays, Indian River Inlet, and the surf is still a bit stirred up…

Fish the Fifty Finishes Delmarva

Last year we were contacted by Jon Bell and Richie Owens about fishing in Delaware.  They wanted to know where they could find a guide to take them fishing for a unique journey.  The boys are on a mission to catch a fish in every state.  This idea came up one night while having a pint in a local pub (that is English for a beer at the…

Bluefish galore with a side of flounder after the storm

Well the storm passed and it was not as bad as previous ones.  It did manage to carve the beaches up, and create some very pronounced cuts and sandbars.  I made a video today of a rip current at Conquest beach it is a good example of how they work and form.  I did a little fishing and found about ten pounds of sea glass, as well as a…

Delaware’s first fall Nor’Easter

In case you haven't noticed it has been ridiculously windy today, more so than it has been all week.  We can expect to see more wind throughout the night and a bit of rain.  First Nor'easter for the fall season.  It is a warm front that is about the only good news so the temperatures will warm up for a bit.  Wait, what?  That isn't…

Fall out of summer fishing

Rough seas and heavy winds have made for some harder fishing in the surf, but we have been catching fish.  Definitely reminds you of fall fishing, and the fish seem to be anticipating the temperature change.  This is the time of year when summer fish and fall fish are in our waters at the same time.  We have seen spiny box fish or burr fish in…

Fishing the rough surf for blues

The past few days the surf has been a bit angry, bust mostly on the southern beaches.  We fished 3Rs yesterday the froth in the surf looked like a double latte with cheese.  The waves were heavy and came in fast.  We still managed to catch bluefish despite the conditions.  Casting was a chore with small metals so I upgraded to my surf…

Stormy fishing in the surf

The weather the past week has been rough for fishing.  Heavy surf and angry seas have made for stirred up rough water.  The temperatures have been steadily dropping to fall like conditions and the water has been dropping as well.  Which makes everyone excited for fall fishing.  The striped bass will make their annual fall run soon enough.  …

ASMFC striped bass symposium in Dover

The other night we attended the ASMFC symposium on Striped Bass in Dover. Out of twenty people in the room only three wanted/commented to have heavy reductions to help rebuild the stocks. The rest of the room wanted either the least reduction or none at all. The link for the draft is below and is self explanatory. We are pushing for the most…

Beach Conditions from the storm

Fishing the surf the past few days has been decent.  Bluefish, kingfish, croaker, spot, and flounder have been caught.  Mullet has been the best bait for bluefish.  The mullet have shown up but are small right now.   The bluefish are averaging eighteen inches for the larger ones and eight inches for the smaller.  Croaker are showing…

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to hold Sept. 11 public hearing on interstate striped bass management plan

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to hold Sept. 11 public hearing on interstate striped bass management plan DOVER (Sept. 8, 2014) – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) will hold a public hearing on a draft addendum to the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fisheries Management Plan at 6 p.m., Thursday,…

After the summer season fishing

Wow, where did everyone go, it was a like a ghost town on Tuesday at the beach.   Hope everyone had a safe and fun summer, good luck with back to school for the kids and the parents.  I am sure the parents are more excited than the kids.  We will see many of you during the weekends for the next several weeks.  For the most part I have run into…

Governor Markell signs bill declassifying and updating fines for certain hunting, fishing and boating offenses

DNREC Press Release ... Governor Markell signs bill declassifying and updating fines for certain hunting, fishing and boating offenses DOVER (Sept. 2, 2014) – Today at Wilmington’s DuPont Environmental Education Center, as DNREC Secretary David S. Small and Delaware Chief Justice Leo Strine looked on, Delaware Governor Jack Markell signed…

Happy Labor Day from DSF

Happy Labor Day ... It is the end of summer season.  I would like to thank everyone for following the site and social media.  It has been a fun summer and we have all had a blast.  I have kept the reports minimal this month for the fact the fishing changes very little, and the servers are over loading again.  Which I think is awesome, but drives…

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to hold Sept. 11 public hearing on interstate striped bass management plan

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to hold Sept. 11 public hearing on interstate striped bass management plan DOVER (Aug. 28, 2014) – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) will hold a public hearing on a draft addendum to the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fisheries Management Plan at 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 11 in…

Back in the surf!

Sorry this is so short I am writing this at a truck stop in NY.  Coming home!! We have had some nice weather and some not so nice weather, whether we like it or not.  Fall is on its way and the fact the days are getting shorter noticeably now is a sure sign.  Sunset is earlier and earlier now, and the temps are cooling off.  All in all this…

Fall in August

Did everyone enjoy the fall weather teaser in august?  Reminds you of the fish to come and the colors of fall. Summer is still in full swing, it's hot and crowded.  The fishing has been decent for the most part.  Flounder are still the hot catch and can be found just about everywhere.  Many of the charters have been loading up on flounder limits.…

Why do you fish?

Fishing this week has been decent in the surf.  Random bluefish, kingfish, croaker, and spot mostly on fishbites bloodworm formula and squid.  Small sharks have been plentiful, from little sand sharks to dogfish.   Skates galore as usual, I just saw a picture of skate wing meat selling for eleven eighty eight a pound.  Apparently Jersey…

Tropical Storm Bertha hits the beach in Delaware

Even though tropical storm Bertha is well off our coast, today the storm surge at high tide flooded most of the beaches in Delaware and Maryland to the dune line in no time.  Lifeguards had to close down the beach at Indian River Inlet south side.  Water washed across the beach and filled in behind beach goers.  Basically water washed…

vacation from vacationland

Fishing slowed down over the weekend when the rains showed up, but that didn't stop many from getting out there.  Flounder have been the hot catch this month and summer.  They are popping up everywhere on either minnows or gulp.  From the Inland Bays to the Delaware Bay to the ocean it is hard to not find flounder.  Croaker are still everywhere…

Angels in the surf and monks at the old grounds

The other day we were sent a picture of an angel shark that was caught in the surf and this is not the first one caught this year.  Aahron Jost was working on a head boat fishing the old grounds and they hooked into an angel out there.  These are also prohibited sharks and are to be released immediately.  When reeling them in for the first time…

Beach Clean up on Sunday

Tomorrow there is a beach clean up for Delaware Seashore State Park hosted by the Delaware Surf Report crew on Facebook.  "Tomorrow's cleanup crew will meet at north inlet parking lot at Indian River between 8 and 8:30. See you there!  I picked up the gloves and trash bags from the Indian River Marina today! I registered the event with the parks…

Life Rings at Indian River Inlet saves lives

These life rings are along the rail at the Indian River Inlet, and this Sunday one was put to good use.  Big shout out to Jacob Martin from Delmarva Boy Scout Troop 281 in Ocean View for having the life rings installed at the Indian River Inlet for his Eagle Scout service project.  Steve DiGirolamo was at the northside checking…

Keeping Delaware’s Beaches Clean

In the early spring we organized weekly beach clean ups and the turnout was great.  Every Saturday or Sunday for two months we would get a variety of volunteers to help clean the beaches.  All of the trash we removed was washed up on our beaches and not from the influx of tourists every year.  We will resume these cleanups after the summer…

Northside Parking Lot is Now Open at IRI

The northside parking lot at the Indian River Inlet is now open.  The  temporary parking lot next to the Indian River Coast Guard Station is closed.  The work on the new RV campground is progressing nicely, and work will soon start on the temporary parking lot to turn that into RV camping as well. .  The new parking lot, for those…

Sand Tiger Shark washes up on a Delaware Beach

Earlier this morning a large sand tiger shark washed up on a beach in Delaware.  It had a large hook in its mouth and a long leader.  You can see in the picture that the line was snapped off probably during the retrieve.   The shark was seen last night floundering in the surf and then washed up on the beach this morning.  Unfortunately it is…

Releasing the hounds in the surf

Just a heads up, but rumor on campus is Gordon's Pond will open up this Friday the eighteenth.  That is just a rumor, and has not been made official yet however we have heard tell it is true.  Looking forward to fishing the new Cape Henlopen airstrip again, more room on the beach is always a good thing.  The point will not reopen until…

Delaware State Record Mahi Mahi Broken

On July 6 William Emmert caught a 56.9 pound mahi-mahi trolling the  Baltimore canyon.  This catch beats the previous record of  52 pounds, 15 ounces on Aug. 18, 2003, by Charles Ciociola.  Since the mahi mahi was caught by a boat that ported out of Delaware it qualifies as a Delaware State record in the Delaware Sport Fishing Tournament .  …

The full moon on the 12th of July is not a super moon

The full moon on the 12th of July is not a super moon. However you can expect slightly higher tides and people to be more emotional.  Which is the norm for Facebook and most social media these days.  A super moon is when the moon is closest to the earth so it looks bigger in the sky. It is known as the Lunar perigee, which will be the August full…

Slow in the surf but decent in the bays and ocean

Well so far it has been an uneventful week, well at least nothing has burst into flames no one had to land on a closed beach.  The hurricane stirred up the water and carved the beaches up a bit.  The water is clearing up nicely and the beaches are getting smoother, with the normal sharp slope to the surf.  Jersey was hit with record low…

2014 Inland Bays Clean up at Masseys Landing

Boats and Volunteers needed for Inland Bays Cleanup The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays, DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Section and the Division of Parks and Recreation are seeking volunteers and boats for the Tenth Annual Cleanup of the Inland Bays beginning at 9 a.m. and finishing up around 1 p.m., Saturday, July…

Summer fishing is heating up

We have had an interesting few days on the beaches here in Delaware.  From a Jeep fire to a emergency plane landing on Gordons pond in the closed section for piping plovers.  Thankfully no one was hurt during either incident.  The fishing has been decent in the surf.  Croaker, spot, kingfish, skates, rays, flounder, sharks, spotted hake, and…

Spinner sharks, spades, and triggers what’s next?

Fishing has been decent depending on where you look.  The surf has been quiet for the most part.  Croaker, spot, kingfish, skates, cownose rays, butterfly rays, and lots of sharks.  Okay so maybe not that quiet but definitely a little slower than normal.  A few small bluefish have popped up here and there.  Hard to say what are the best…

Reel Friends and pompano in the surf

The Reel Friends Surf Fishing club held their 5th annual March of Dimes at the Beach fundraiser Father's day weekend.  These folks are first responders, fire, EMT, and rescue.  They put their lives on the line daily to help perfect strangers at their worst moments.  They are a great group of people I have had the pleasure to fish, and hang out…

Cobia in the surf, summer fishing abides

Well it has been an interesting week to say the least.  Seems shark week came early to Delaware this year.  I have heard some crazy rumors about the shark "incident", one being that some people in Pennsylvania heard it was faked, I can't imagine why.  The other is that there is a bounty on the shark involved, I'm sure we don't need a Quint,…

Quick Fishing Report for the Weekend

Yesterday I was at the Millsboro Middle School for their annual health fair talking to the kids about fishing safety.  It was a lot of fun and I noticed that more kids are into fishing than they were last year.   Always good to get out and teach them about fishing.   I am looking forward to next year, big thanks to the Millsboro Middle School…

Surf Fishing with Hunters Helping Soldiers

A few weeks ago Larry Thompson  contacted me about helping him get people to go surf fishing with his group Hunters Helping Soldiers.  They were going to take Dave "Doc" Green surf fishing for the first time in his life and they wanted to show him a good time.  I told Larry we would help anyway we could and contact a few friends to put more…

Fish for free in Delaware waters June 7 and 8

Anglers invited to fish for free in Delaware waters June 7 and 8 DOVER (June 2, 2014) – Been thinking of casting a line into a nearby stream or daydreaming about a sunny afternoon at the beach with your surf rod, but just haven’t gotten around to purchasing your 2014 Delaware fishing license yet? DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife has an…

Thresher shark brought into Lewes

After a bit of a cooling off earlier in the week, the temperatures jumped back to normal, and we had a beautiful weekend.  May was a fun month with some interesting weather and great fishing. June so far has not been disappointing. The surf has been producing bluefish on cut bait and whole mullet. Puffers are hitting fishbites and bloodworms.…

Bluefish and now redfish showing up

Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, I hope everyone took the time to remember why we celebrate this holiday by honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and their families. The summer season is upon us and we had a nice reminder of that this weekend with hot temperatures and tons of traffic. The gnats and flies made…

Spring and Summer fishing collide

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by today's tornado in Kent County, they were hit by a viscous storm and tornado this afternoon.  A lot of rain and hail dumped on us very fast in Sussex county and it was surreal to see some of the pictures people were posting of the storm.  Between the bees up north that were dumped on a…

Annual beach closure to protect first piping plover nests

Cape Henlopen State Park announces annual beach closure to protect first piping plover nests of the season Training for beachnesting bird monitors to be held May 17 at Cape Henlopen State Park LEWES (May 14, 2014) – Delaware beachnesting bird monitors discovered the first piping plover nests of the season at Cape Henlopen State Park last week,…

Bluefish are getting bigger … see spot run!

Fishing is picking back up in many areas.  Spot are showing up in the Roosevelt inlet and a few other locations including the surf.  Not in huge numbers but they are out there being caught on fishbites bloodworms for the most part.  They are definitely here early.  Large striped bass are in the surf but it takes some work and time to catch one…

Banging up the black drum all day

We have had some exciting fishing here the past few days.  First and foremost there are sand fleas in the surf.  Which is great news since they are a food source for many fish, and great bait if you do a little digging.  You don't need an expensive sand flea rake, just use a minnow net and hold in in the wash when the water is retreating from a…

Wacky weather for fishing

Everyone having fun with the latest weather?  The flooding up north is going to create some nasty water for the next few days.  The beaches were carved up a bit the other day, but then smoothed back out we just have a steep slope in some areas to the surf.  Good news is most of the grass and weeds have washed ashore which will make fishing a…

Proposed Shellfish Aquaculture Regulations

Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife to hold May 21 public hearing on proposed shellfish aquaculture regulations DOVER (May 1, 2014) – DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife will hold a public hearing on Delaware’s Inland Bays shellfish aquaculture regulations at 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 21 at DNREC’s Lewes Field Facility, 901 Pilottown…

Big striped bass, weakfish, and flounder, oh yeah!!

Well the water is warming back up and so is the fishing.  There have been some very nice flounder caught in the Lewes Canal this week on pink gulp.  They are also showing up in the inland bays and Indian River Inlet.  Great to see the fishing finally taking a turn for the better, this has been along drawn out end of winter.  The…

Diamond Back Terrapin nesting season

Diamond Back Terrapin nesting season starts in May.  Keep an eye out for these little guys this year.  The State of Delaware no longer has any funded projects to protect the Diamond Back terrapin due to lack of funding and no volunteers available to assist these creatures.  Usually there are groups that will look out for them during the peak of…

Fun in the sun for the surf fishing tournament

We held our first surf fishing tournament on Saturday and it was a great time.  I arrived at conquest beach around 4:30 in the morning and there were a few folks already waiting to register.  The weather was not as bad as forecast, we never saw any rain.  I signed them in and sent them out to the beach.  We had thirty two people sign up from…

Battle on the Beach is Saturday

Saturday is the Battle on the Beach surf fishing tournament, and we are anticipating a great time.  The tournament starts at 6 am and lasts until 3 pm.  I will be checking people in at conquest beach in the parking lot before the start, you can sign up the day of the tournament.  I will be there by 4:30 a.m. The weather is looking great for the…

CCA DE chapter meeting April 14th

Please mark your calendars for our next meeting on Monday, April 14th at 6 pm. Our meeting will be held at the Milford Diner in Milford, DE. The address ... 1042 N Walnut St, Milford, DE 19963.  Attending a meeting is a great way to see what CCA is all about and what you can do to help the fishery issues in Delaware. If you would like to know…

Bunker are in the Delaware Bay

Yes you read that correctly.  The past two days I have been talking with several people and they are catching bunker in the Delaware Bay.  The watermen I know are seeing bunker in their nets and even some nice sized striped bass here and there as well.  It is possible behind these bunker schools we will start to see large migratory…

Striped Bass Spawning Season Regulations Started

The days are getting longer and warmer.  Daffodils are popping up everywhere, the trees are budding, and purple henbit in the fields.  My old salt buddies get excited when this happens, they use that as a sign that the flounder are here.   The water temperatures are slowly rising, the surf hit forty one degrees today for the first time since…

Migratory Striped Bass have moved into the Chesapeake Bay

This Saturday a few people showed up to help clean the beaches in Delaware Seashore State Park.  We met at Keybox beach access and cleaned to about conquest access.  I told the parks we would stay above the beach grass planting event so we would not be in the way.  We didn't have a huge turnout but the group managed to pick up about two hundred…

March madness sale

All Delaware Surf Fishing gear is now on sale from now until April 15th ... there is a 25% off coupon in the shopping cart.  We just wanted to help everyone during tax time and to say thank you for all of the support over the years.  Thank You Fish on! Rich King

Beach Clean ups and a fishing report

Last Saturday we had fifteen people meet for a beach clean up at Beach Plum Island.  I want to thank everyone for coming out and helping, these weekly clean ups are doing well for our beaches, kudos to all of you.  The 684 ladies did a great job, and are going to start keeping an eye on that area more this year.  They treat that beach like…

Beach Clean Up March 9th Fenwick Island

On Sunday March 9th we will meet at the Fenwick Island State Park Bathhouse on route 1 at 9 a.m. for another beach cleaning.  There will be bags available and we just ask that you bring gloves.  Anyone with a legal beach tag is welcome to drive on and help us, or just walk on, and we can give you a ride as well.  We are going to try…

DNREC … The Point Will Close March 1st

The Point at Cape Henlopen State Park to close for 2014 beachnesting season   DNREC .... LEWES (Feb. 25, 2014) The Point at Cape Henlopen State Park, including a stretch of ocean beach and dunes, and a half mile along the bay shoreline, will close beginning Saturday, March 1, for the benefit of piping plovers, oystercatchers, least terns…

Beach Clean Up And Fishing Report

Saturday we had twenty five people come out for the first of many DSF beach cleanups for this year.  I want to thank everyone who showed, you all did a great job, and I am proud of you!!  We cleared over five hundred pounds of trash from the point beach in Cape Henlopen state park.  We cleaned the point first and then moved south towards the…

Beach Cleanup Schedule

Not long ago I told you we were getting together on weekends for beach clean ups, and I had to await approval from the State Parks.  Well now we are good to go and approved.  Starting this Saturday the 22nd of February at 9 a.m. we will meet at the point in Cape Henlopen State park.  That is the drive on entrance just below the weather station.…

DNREC … Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Framework

Public Listening Session on Draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Framework set for Feb. 27 in Lewes Public invited to provide input   LEWES, Del (Feb. 18, 2014) – The Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body (MidA RPB) invites the public to provide input on the Draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Framework by participating in a listening…

DNREC … volunteers needed for beach grass planting

More volunteers needed for beach grass planting at Delaware Seashore State Park on March 22 Registration due by March 19 SUSSEX COUNTY (Feb. 17, 2014) – More volunteers are needed at Delaware Seashore State Park for Delaware’s annual beach grass planting event set for 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 22. The event, now in its 25th…

Coastal Conservation Association organizational meeting

In the past couple of months I have speaking with Tony Friedrich, several other CCA members, and a few friends of mine.  We decided it is time to start a CCA chapter in Delaware.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend.  We are just getting started and will be able to answer questions at this meeting next Monday night on the 17th.  I hope to see…

Great weekend after the thaw

Since the snow melted everyone has been able to get around a little easier.  Roads were cleared in a decent amount of time, but the hazards of black ice at night remained.  The bays froze over and the Lewes Canal which is something many have never seen or not in a long time.  Friends telling me stories of ice skating on the bay when they…

2014 Delaware Fishing Guide is now available

                                  2014 Delaware Fishing Guide is now available statewide and online DOVER (Jan. 31, 2014) – The Division of Fish and Wildlife’s new 2014 Delaware Fishing Guide has arrived with a colorful splash and is being distributed to fishing license dealers throughout the state, including sporting goods, bait & tackle…

DNREC workshop on shellfish aquaculture regulations

DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife to hold public workshop January 30 on Inland Bays shellfish aquaculture regulations DOVER (Jan. 23, 2014) – DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife will hold a public workshop on Delaware’s Inland Bays shellfish aquaculture regulations currently under development at 6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 30 at…

Lewes Polar Bear Plunge 2014

The first year I attended the Lewes Polar Bear Plunge benefiting Special Olympics of Delaware I was amazed at the crowd's enthusiasm for this event.  Teams had all sorts of costumes and even mascots.  It was truly an emotional day for many people including myself.  After that event I decided Delaware Surf Fishing needed to have a team involved.…

Seals on Delaware Beaches and a fishing report

We are now seeing harbor and gray seals on our beaches in Delaware.  One was seen today at Bayard street in Fenwick Island.  Friends from the MERR institute asked us to put up this information.  Please respect the space of these marine creatures and be careful around any others (seals) you may encounter on Delaware Beaches .  MERR is monitoring…

The Classified section is free to list

We have set the classified section up so it is free to list items for sale.  You just have to be registered to the site in order to list anything.  If you have forgotten your password there is a link to recover, or you can send us an email and within 24 hours we will have your new password sent to you.  Using the link is much faster.  Aside from…

Vandalism at the James Farm!

Vandalism at the James Farm! From the Center for the Inland Bays ... Late Saturday evening five kayaks on racks at the beach were incinerated and completely destroyed and three others were set-afloat but, fortunately, salvaged. The storage rack was also destroyed. These were property of the CIB and Ecobay Kayak, the eco-tourism…

Surf Fishing Sunday Funday in January

Not long ago it snowed like crazy, we had over six inches on the ground in some areas. Winds were ridiculous and creating drifts across the roads. The crews would plow a highway and it would cover back up with snow in minutes. Back roads were packed with ice, it was crazy. Three days later it rained, the snow melted, and by Sunday it was 49…

Delaware Fishing License reminder from DNREC

Delaware Fishing License reminder from DNREC DOVER (Jan. 6, 2014) .... DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Section reminds anglers that it’s time to purchase their 2014 Delaware fishing licenses, as their 2013 licenses expired on Dec. 31. A valid fishing license is required for fishing, crabbing and clamming in Delaware…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from all of us at DSF.  2013 was a great year, we had a lot of fun, met a ton of interesting people, and made many new friends.  We went on a lot of adventures and are looking forward to new ones this coming year.   Thank you for following DSF it has been a pleasure keeping everyone updated about Delaware's tidal waters.  We will…

Winter Solstice brings a heat wave weekend

Well everyone keeps asking what will happen in the surf this weekend, and where are the hot spots?  Well, for the past week and last weekend not much was happening in the surf, and the best fishing was out front.  The back bays have seen hot action for shorties on plugs, spoons, and swim shads.  These are resident fish we are seeing in the back…

Fishing Report and storm update for Friday the 13th

The final predictions are out for tomorrow's storm, the lower part of Delaware (below the C&D canal) will see mostly rain. This storm  may begin as possible snow and sleet in the morning but will definitely switch to rain for the late morning and afternoon.  The Northern parts of Delaware will probably see snow and sleet.  everywhere north of…

DNREC … Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan

Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan now available to help Delawareans prepare and act DOVER (Dec. 12, 2013) – After nearly three years of assessment, debate and public input, Delaware’s Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee has approved recommendations for adapting to sea level rise in the state through the release of its final report, “Preparing…

Redfish in the surf with random keeper striped bass

Not much has changed this past week in the fishing community.  The surf has been slow to random for keeper striped bass.  One day it is good for a few anglers and the next day it is donuts by the box.  Bunker has been the best bait, and the boats are doing well with stretch 25's at the Overfalls and Sea Colony area.  Live eels have done well…

Striped Bass In The Surf And Snowy Owls In The Dunes

Yesterday a few keeper striped bass were caught in the surf.  The birds have been working the water in the mornings and everyday they have gotten closer.  Yesterday they came within casting distance.  A few keepers were pulled in Delaware Seashore State Park.  The boats had been doing well in the Delaware bay, but in the past few days the fish…

Striped Bass are Heavy in the Delaware Bay

A few days ago the Delaware Bay blew up with striped bass. John French said they were biting like packs of rabid dogs. Good to see the fall run finally enter DE waters. They have been passing us for weeks, showing up in Maryland and far up the Chesapeake bay. The run is still happening up north and the fish seem to blow up one area for a few…

Weekend Delaware Surf Fishing report

Friday we got off work early so I went out and about to do a little fishing.  I hit up the Indian River Inlet on the north side near the back marina.  Throwing spoons just for fun and to relax a little.  I caught five bluefish in the eighteen inch range.  It was fun and as soon as I went to get the phone to get some pictures it just kept ringing,…

Fishing is picking up but slowly

Fishing from the surf has been bleak the past few days.  There are some short striped bass here and there, small flounder, little bluefish and by little I mean size.  Ling are in the surf here and there and we still have sand eels.  There is plenty of food in the surf, just not much there feeding.  I have seen a lot of birds half a mile…

Windy weekend made for poor fishing

The past week was decent fishing, even in the surf.  Some redfish on spoons and plugs, and several shorty striped bass from the beach.  Still smaller blues in the surf and some decent sizes at Indian River Inlet.  A few ling cod and spot were caught in the surf as well.  Mullet chunks and bunker have done good for catching.  The…

Delaware beaches are filling back in

The beaches are finally filling back in, but it will still take some time to get back to where they were before the storm.  Reading the beaches is a little harder since the cuts are constantly moving.  Your best bet is to look for rip currents, or a wave that pyramids or looks taller in the center.  Waves that wash on top of one another are…

Sand Eels are in the surf … everywhere

The new profile of the beaches has been amazing to observe the last few days.  If you want to know how the bottom under the surf looks, go to a beach right now in Delaware at low tide.  What you will see may just show you a few things you have always wondered.  If you really want a treat stay there for the entire incoming tide.  The beaches in…

Hunter’s Moon fishing report

The seas have calmed down and the water is clearing up rather fast.  The beaches are still flat in most areas but the sand bars and troughs will be reshaped.  Every incoming wave adds a little help.  And the waves never stop coming.  I have been working days and fishing in the evening as long as we get off early enough.  Waiting for the end of…

Post Nor’easter update : beach conditions

The wind is dying down, the storm is gone and the sun came out today.  Finally, we all really missed our normal nice days at the beach.  The water is even getting a little clearer.  It will take a few days for it to really clear up and hopefully the coming rains this weekend will not inhibit that either.  We will have to wait and see.…

Nor’Easter and Delaware Beaches

The background color of the website has been changed to pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, October.  The fishing these past few days was great.  Red drum and black drum have been caught at IRI.  Big blues moved through there the other day, keeper striped bass in the mix.  Spot chunks. strips and whole live ones did well.  If you…

fishing report and the week’s adventures

Well it has been an eventful week for this guy. First I just want to thank the folks at the Cape Gazette for the opportunity to write for their Beach Paper tis year. That was a lot of fun and it was relieving to work with professional people in the media industry. I look forward to the summer starting back up, and writing for…

Delaware has keeper redfish in the surf

The temperatures are quickly dropping on land and at sea.  The water temps have been steadily dropping this past week.  Fall is definitely here and maybe this year we will actually have a season.  We are now in the transition period for fishing when the warm water and colder water fish are out there at the same time.  This happens every…

Surf Fishing with Ron Kyle and the boys

Wednesday morning (9/11/13) I hit Indian River Inlet before sunrise.  I was meeting Ron "Jiggy Fins" Kyle that day and I wanted to fish the rockpile and check out the sunrise.  He wouldn't be here until later in the morning.  The wind was nice out of the south but once down below the rocks the gnats were awful.  The flies have not been too bad,…

National Hunting and Fishing Day Sunday, Sept. 15

DNREC’s celebration of National Hunting and Fishing Day Sunday, Sept. 15 to feature family-friendly outdoor fun DOVER (Sept. 11, 2013) – From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 15, visitors to the Aquatic Resource Education Center (AREC) near Smyrna will be able to sample a wide range of outdoor activities from paddling a canoe to…

Pending Delaware State Record Swordfish

The summer season is over, but the fishing continues.  Many are awaiting the striped bass run, and only concerned with that species when it comes to fishing.  Most of us just like to fish and could care less what we catch.  The best part of fishing is going through the motions, and being out there.  Sitting on the beach, hanging at the…

Labor Day Weekend festivities and fishing

We had an awesome Labor Day weekend.  I hope everyone had a great summer, and even though the season is over, the fishing will continue.  I want to send a HUGE thanks out to everyone who dropped by the DSF booth this weekend, my head is still spinning.  I see the numbers on Facebook and in the servers for the website, but to actually meet…

Pompano caught in the surf

The surf is seeing a new catch this week.  Pompano showed up the other day caught on Fishbites.  Flounder, kingfish, weakfish, spot, croaker, skates, and cownose rays are abundant.  The surf has been hit or miss on fishing, the best tide has been the incoming (for the most part).  Some nice blues were caught at the point yesterday on mullet rigs.  …

Cape Henlopen: The point opens this Saturday

The point in Cape Henlopen State Park is scheduled to open on Saturday August 31st.  Normally it does not open until September 1st, but this year that day falls on a Sunday.  The parks staff are working diligently to get the point open, and have a few things they need to do before they can open it to the public.  It could happen as early as…

Summer comes to an end but the fishing continues

The summer season is almost over, and the fishing has not changed much.  There are still plenty of flounder showing up at the Old Grounds.   The Indian River Inlet has been decent for flounder, the incoming tide has been better than the outgoing.  Massey's Landing has seen some nice ones pulled from the ditch.  Gulp (chartreuse) on speck rigs,…

Shark Fishing in Delaware From The Surf

It has been a slow week for fishing.  The charter boats are doing okay in the Delaware bay, the surf is hot for an hour or two, and then shuts down mostly at the top of the outgoing tide, and the back bays have been full of croaker.  In fact it seems the one fish no one has any problem catching this year are croaker, they are all over the…

Fall temperatures on summer days at the beach

Rain, rain go away!!  It has been a seriously wet summer, we barely dry out before it happens again.  Fish could care less, they are already wet, but personally I would rather be dry.  I don't mind the rain, the wind however is a whole different story.  We are experiencing fall like temperatures, which is making many start thinking about the…

Delaware Surf Fishing weekend report

The past few days there has been good and bad fishing.  The other day I took Collins and his father surf fishing.  We caught donuts.  The folks next to us hammered spot for twenty minutes and then that shut down.  For at least a hundred yards on each side of us no one caught a thing all day.  Dave Eastburn and his family showed up in…

2013 Delaware Coastal Cleanup

2013 Delaware Coastal Cleanup to be held Sept. 21 Volunteer registration open now! Trash on our beaches and in our waterways isn’t  just unsightly – it’s also potentially dangerous to marine life and in some cases harmful to water quality. But you can help make a difference in Delaware by joining volunteers of all ages at…

Bluefish in the surf and flounder are on the move

The fishing has been hot the past week.  There have been lots of croaker, kingfish, and spot all over the place in the surf.  All of the beaches have seen catches in large numbers and decent sizes.  Croaker have been thick in many areas of the back bays as well as kingfish.  Spot are basically everywhere, and have been the choice bait…

Indian River Inlet has a new look

The last pylon from the old Indian River Inlet bridge was taken down the other day, forever changing the scenery.  It is strange to not see the pylons in the middle of the inlet, and I know many of us miss them for great structure to fish.  They are still there under the water, and have been taken down to about thirteen feet below the…

Good times fishing in Delaware

The past few days has been great fishing if you are in the right spot at the right time.  I know, we all hate that, but it is the nature of fishing.  From  "you should have been here fifteen minutes ago", to "after you left it came on hot!"  We all hate to hear that, but it happens all of the time.  Thursday I met up with the Reel Friends Surf…

Delaware surf fishing report

It was very wet here a few days ago, Friday we were hit with monsoon style rains, and the state flooded.  Many people in Delaware had instant waterfront property.  That didn't stop a few people from hitting the water, and doing a little fishing.  It did make travel conditions rough for the weekend.  Now we are having a heat wave, but it is nice…

Delaware Surf Fishing report …

Well it has been one heck of a week and weekend, which for us never seems to end.  Hope everyone has been well I have been very busy playing catch-up on all my orders and all is well now.  I just want to thank everyone for their patience and apologize for the delays.  The fishing has been excellent as long as you are catching :D .... Yeah,…

Operation Dry Water June 28-30

Delaware to participate in Operation Dry Water June 28-30 to prevent alcohol-related boating accidents and save lives   DOVER (June 26, 2013) – DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Section today announced that during the weekend of June 28 through 30, Delaware will again participate in Operation Dry Water, an annual nationwide…

Piping plover chicks hatch at Gordons Pond

Piping plover chicks hatch at Gordons Pond  From DNREC .... LEWES (June 18, 2013) – On June 12, four piping plover chicks hatched from the sole nest this year at Gordons Pond in Cape Henlopen State Park. Both adults were seen with the chicks that afternoon. Over at the Point, three pairs of plovers have set up foraging territories along…

Delaware Surf Fishing report

The past weekend and week was a great time fishing and meeting new people.  I spent Friday and Saturday at Bob's Marine for an in house boat show and then visited the March Of Dimes fundraiser with the Reel Friends Surf Fishing Club.  The fundraiser did well for the MOD and it was great to see everyone!  That night Scott, Aahron, Kim and I hit…

Happy Father’s Day weekend from DSF

The storms have really stirred up the water out there, the temperature at Massey's Landing was 69-70 degrees yesterday.  Croaker, kings, puffers, and spot in the surf (65 degrees) on sand fleas (live), bloodworms and fishbites or squid.  Trout are heavy at Henlopen pier, Broadkill Beach, and Beach Plum Island use squid, bloodworms, or chicken.…

DNREC’s ‘Take a Kid Fishing!’ program … June 15

DNREC’s ‘Take a Kid Fishing!’ program set for Father’s Day event on June 15 DOVER (June 10, 2013) – Do you know a child or young teen who might enjoy learning about fishing and trying their hand as an angler at landing a fish? The Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Take a Kid Fishing! program invites budding anglers age 6 through 15 and a…

Flounder pounding is picking up

The past few days the fishing has been great regardless of the crazy weather.  Flounder pounding is picking up and the size limit will change tomorrow to 17 inches four per person and no season.  The Lewes Canal, Roosevelt Inlet, Cape Henlopen Pier, Massey's Landing, Delaware bay, out front, and back bays have been producing decent keepers.  …

DNREC … changes in summer flounder regulations

DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife announces changes in summer flounder regulations DOVER (June 7, 2013) – Anglers catching summer flounder in Delaware waters will be able to keep smaller fish this season when regulation changes take effect on Tuesday, June 11. The changes allow anglers to keep four fish per day with a minimum size of 17…

Kids fishing is what it is all about …

The fishing has been great in many places these past few days, the weekend had some rough winds.  There have been a lot of people sending in pictures of their kids fishing, something we encourage.  Getting them involved with the outdoors is much better than glued to a TV playing video games.  If you can get kids interested in the outdoors they…

Beached whale on Assateague Island

The other day Christopher Battersby was finishing up surf fishing at Assateague Island with his friends, as they were leaving the beach, they spotted a beached whale near mile marker 24.  He jumped out of the truck and his friends AJ and Amanda started taking pictures  They called the rangers and he immediately jumped in the surf to help the…

Life is a beach, fish it!

The summer temperatures are finally upon us and so are the bugs.  With the wind blowing across the dunes it has been a tad buggy on most beaches.  The Delaware bay beaches more so than anywhere.  That doesn't stop people from fishing.  The surf has been producing kingfish, croakers, spot, ling/spotted hake, shad, flounder, striped bass,…

Horseshoe crabs are still spawning in the Delaware bay

The surf is producing kingfish, croaker, flounder, puffers, skates, dogfish, sharks (toothy units), and rays.  A few keeper striped bass are still popping up in the surf, and at the Indian River Inlet.  Bunker chunks for the surf, swim shads and bucktails from the walls.  Plugs and poppers work well in the surf  if anyone wishes to cast all day.  …

Memorial day weekend surf fishing in Delaware

Thank you!!  ... To all the men and women whom have and do make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  I know many of you follow this site so please stay safe and come home soon.  Everyone, please remember and respect why you have this day to sit in the sand and BBQ. The winds have finally died down, the beginning of this weekend was…

Drum fishing in the Delaware Bay with Captain Brian

Last month we had a speaker for a DSF Monday meeting, Captain Brian Wazlavek of the Delaware Family Fishing charter service.  He spoke to the group about drum fishing in the Delaware Bay, and some of his techniques.  Covering gear, currents, bait, and the fish themselves.  It was an impressive presentation.  He spent a good hour explaining the…

Striped bass are still running in Delaware

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Oklahoma, the devastation is surreal.  Storm intensities will just keep getting worse planet wide, that is a fact we have been warned about for years by climatologists.  I went fishing this morning and hit tons of spike trout on Broadkill Beach.  Croakers are thick out there as well as…

The shark fin trade is now banned in Delaware

Governor Jack Markell signed House Bill 41 last week.  Shark fins are not allowed to be sold, traded, or possessed with the borders of the state of Delaware.  We do not a have a shark finning problem per se, but just by selling these fins on the market contributes to the ongoing global issues of shark finning.  In other countries shark finning is…

Fishing tournaments this weekend in Lewes

It is raining ... again.  That has not stopped many from fishing, after all fish don't mind getting wet.  The weekend has been a blast.  There are still large keeper striped bass showing up in the surf, inland bays, Delaware Bay, and out front.  You just have to put in the time, bunker chunks and clam have been the preferred baits.  Puffer fish…

The 2013 Great Delaware Kayak Tour

I was added to a group page on Facebook in March, The 2013 Great Delaware Kayak Tour.  Jeff Wildonger has invited you to his group page was the notification.  I was intrigued, knowing Jeff's affinity for the Delaware River and Bay.  In past conversations he refers to the area as his church.  I contacted him and asked if there was anything DSF could…

Surf Fishing with Ron Kyle on my birthday

A week ago Ron Kyle put up a request looking for fellow anglers that could help him with a day trip to Delaware to fish the surf.  When I saw his post I shared it to the DSF Facebook page to help him with his request.  He needed a copilot to help him get back home after a day of fishing.  I decided to take it a step further, I knew…

Happy Mother’s Day from Delaware Surf Fishing

Happy Mother's Day!!  It has been a great weekend.  The tournament was fun, just some rough weather here and there.  I was getting my butt kicked by my allergies and sunburn combined.  We have been fishing different beaches all week to see where we should fish for the tournament.  That is one reason I have yet to get any reports up, we were a…

Big striped Bass are still in the surf in Delaware

The weekend was a lot of fun.  Every morning I have to use the windshield wipers to clear away the pollen.  My allergies have been taking a toll on my sinuses and sanity.  I know many of you know what I am talking about.  Now that I am living in the woods near the ocean, it is like the best of both worlds, aside from the pollen.  …

Delaware surf fishing the surf in Delaware

Happy May Day!! ... The site is back online! (Obviously)  Sorry about that, there shouldn't be any more problems with servers crashing and bandwidth limits.  Thanks to the boys at Fine Line in Lewes, DE.  DSF is now hosted locally in Delaware!  The email contacts and online store will be operating correctly in a day or two.  All of my…