ASMFC striped bass symposium in Dover

striped bass, rockfish, shorty, schoolie, indian river inlet, rock the rocks
Striped bass “schoolie” or shorty

The other night we attended the ASMFC symposium on Striped Bass in Dover. Out of twenty people in the room only three wanted/commented to have heavy reductions to help rebuild the stocks. The rest of the room wanted either the least reduction or none at all. The link for the draft is below and is self explanatory. We are pushing for the most reduction to help rebuild the stocks and trying to keep away from any fish over 38 inches being kept. Let the big girls go to keep the breeder stock alive.

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Please take the time to send your comments to the ASMFC by September 30th at 5 pm … mail, email, or fax your comments to …

Mike Waine
Fishery Manage Plan Coordinator
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commision
1050 North Highland Street Suite 200A-N
Arlington, VA 22201

Email …
Subject Draft Addendum IV
Phone 703 842 0740
fax 703 842 0741 … this is the link for the draft addendum IV to amendment 6


Thank You

Rich King

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