Everyone having fun with the latest weather? The flooding up north is going to create some nasty water for the next few days. The beaches were carved up a bit the other day, but then smoothed back out we just have a steep slope in some areas to the surf. Good news is most of the grass and weeds have washed ashore which will make fishing a little easier. The dirty water will put a bit of a damper on catching. Last weekend we held a beach clean up in Cape Henlopen State Park on Herring Point beach. The group collected a lot of trash and I appreciate everyone for helping. We will resume beach clean ups in June, I have a busy month in May and won’t be free on the weekends to do these for a month. The State Surf Fishing Striper Wars started today and the Delaware team is fishing the entire month of May, we will be concentrating on fishing. Unfortunately today was not a good day on the water but some of the team were able to get out and give it a shot. When you are out and about fishing in any areas, please, if you see trash please pick it up, there is enough trash in our oceans and all beaches world wide to keep people busy for a longtime. The fishing last weekend was not too bad.

Flounder are still in the Lewes Canal, Inalnd Bays and the Henlopen Fishing pier. Minnows and pink gulp have been the best baits. Steven Thompson was fishing the Lewes canal on Sunday trying for flounder with light tackle when he hit a large keeper striped bass. He was assisted by a near by boater and after landing the fish was cheered on by everyone on the deck at Irish Eyes. I am sure he was excited to land that fish. Mark Evans of Ocean View DE, was fishing 3Rs over the weekend and landed a nice keeper striped bass from the surf on bunker, the smile onthat kid’s face is priceless. A lot of shorty striped bass were caught on all of the beaches and the henlopen pier on bloodworms over the weekend as well. People were hooking up fish left and right while we were combing the beach for trash. Steve Smith caught a huge kingfish in Cape Henlopen on Fishbites clam flavor Sunday afternoon. It was close to fourteen inches long, which would have qualified for a citation. Striped bass are still being caught up and down the Delaware Bay and River. There were a lot of Catfish at Woodland beach this weekend caught on bunker chunks. Shad have shown up in the Christina river near the Newport boat ramp on nightcrawlers, I have heard some are at the Indian river inlet but have not been able to confirm that with any pictures. Perch are still thick in the Broadkill River on bloodworms and grass shrimp. Tautog are starting to move in the Delaware Bay and the Indian River Inlet green crabs are the choice bait. Crabbing has been picking up in the shallower back bay areas, and will continue to get better. The fishing is certainly picking up, now we just need mother nature to calm down with the crazy storms and weather. This has been one wild spring for weather changes, the temperatures have been bouncing around.

Sunday I went on a trip with Captain Brian Wazlavek on the Lil Angler II of Delaware Family Fishing. We rode up the Delaware Bay at four in the morning. Normally I would have taken a nap until we arrived at our destination, but I had my fair share of coffee so I stayed up the entire trip. While we cruised up the bay, I watched us pass the big ships at the anchorage and then the crescent moon rose over the water. always a treat to watch the sunrise while bouncing around in the swells. We were pushing water and it was spraying past the boat. I kid you not at one point a fish flew by the window that got caught up in the wash from the boat bouncing into the swells. Then fish were jumping around in the wake at about the same time. That flying fish was quite a surprise and I am almost positive it was a bunker. It had an interesting look on its face. We found a nice spot to fish on some structure away from the bazillion boats that were up there and started drowning bait. We spent the morning into the afternoon working bait and trying a few different spots. We never caught anything, and neither did anyone around us, but it was nice to take a trip on the water. Fishing is always fun with a good group of people and the boys had a great time. Catching is a bonus and I was prepared to release any of the females that have been caught up there recently. Let the big girls go to make more little stripers for the future of our fishery.

DSF apparel is now available at Adkins Produce at 32008 Long Neck rd. (on the corner of route 24 and 5). Drop by there to pick up T shirts, hoodies, long sleeve T’s, kids shirts, pint glasses, and stickers. I am working on a few more locations for our apparel soon to make it easier for everyone to get their DSF gear, and you can always order it from the online store. Cabella’s new store up north was a madhouse today with very long lines for their grand opening. Speaking of new stores, there is a new bait and tackle shop in Long Neck. A-Lure Bait and Tackle in the Palmer shopping center suite 15, 32369 Long Neck road. They will be opening on Saturday at 7 a.m. and are still getting the store put together, but check them out if you are in the area for fresh bunker. Hopefully the water will clear up buy the weekend enough to make fishing a little easier, right now you would need to hit a fish on the head to do any catching. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and be safe out there driving. We had a lot of accident last weekend in Delaware. Slow down and pay attention, put the phones down, nothing is more important than arriving to a destination safely.
Fish On!!
Rich King
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