Virtual Public Hearing: Striped Bass Size Limits and Possession Limits

DNREC is preparing to set the striped bass limits officially, announcement is below. Just a heads up but option two allows for three more inches of fish for recreational anglers, but takes a lot of fish away from Delaware commercial anglers. Those boys have taken enough hits in past years. Three more inches of fish for a recreational angler, and then a commercial angler losses a large portion of income doesn’t sit well with me. In the long run recreational anglers don’t need three more inches of fish, especially if we are truly interested in preserving the breeders. Before you complain about commercial anglers in the State of Delaware. Our Comm anglers are allowed the smallest percentage of the overall east coast stock allotment. They don’t put a dent in the population in comparison. Delaware recreational anglers can out fish the commercial guys in a years time. In good conditions commercial anglers can fill their quota in three days.
Let those boys fish and feed their families, you don’t need three more inches of fish. That is just my opinion Vote for Option 1.

striped bass, dnrec, creel limits
Striped Bass Size Limits and Possession Limits Options

(June 1, 2020) … The Division of Fish & Wildlife will conduct a public hearing (Docket #2020-R-F-0015) on proposed revisions to the regulations governing recreational fishing for Striped Bass. Public Comment Period Open Through July 10, 2020.

The hearing will focus on the following regulations: 7 DE Admin. Code 3503 Striped Bass Recreational Fishing Seasons; Methods of Take; Creel Limit; Possession Limit and 7 DE Admin. Code 3504 Striped Bass Possession Size Limit; Exceptions.

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Closed-captioning available by request if made at least 7 days before the event.

The mandatory provisions of the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC’s) Addendum VI to Amendment 6 to the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) require a coastwide 18% reduction in striped bass removals (landings + discard mortality). The ASMFC adopted specific, prescribed coastwide management measures to meet the required 18% reduction, but these measures are not preferred for Delaware. Delaware developed two management options that were approved by the ASMFC that, if implemented by the Department, would be equivalent to the specific coastwide management measures in Addendum VI. The first option results in a 1.8% reduction in commercial removals and a 20.4% reduction in recreational removals. The second option results in an 18% reduction in commercial removals and an 18.18% reduction in recreational removals. Both options retain the recreational summer slot season (1 striped bass at 20″- 25″ in Delaware River, Bay & their tributaries from Jul 1 – Aug 31), but the two options differ for the recreational fishery as follows:

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1 of 1,586
Option 1Option 2
Min. Length28″28″
Max. Length
(not to be equaled or exceeded)
Possession Limit11

Option 1 is currently in effect due to Emergency Order No. 2020-F-0002, but adoption of either option will ensure compliance with the FMP, as required by the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act (16 USC §§5101, et seq.).  The proposed amendment may be inspected at DNREC’s office in-person (by appointment only) located at Richardson & Robbins Building, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901 and online as of June 1, 2020 at

For additional information on this proposed regulatory promulgation, please contact John Clark, DNREC/DFW, 89 Kings Hwy., Dover, DE 19901; by phone at 302-739-9914; or by email at

Please note that live comments will not be accepted during the virtual hearing.  Written comment may be submitted to the Hearing Officer via the online comment form at, via email to, or via USPS to the below address. The Department will accept public comment through the close of business on Thursday, July 10, 2020.

Docket #2020-R-F-0015
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