Well today was nothing like yesterday in the surf. The sun rose and it was a gorgeous day, but the fish bite definitely slowed down. We went to conquest beach and set up for a lot of plug throwing and spoon tossing. I cast off and on for almost four hours. Everyone near us was using bunker chunks and the reports coming in were about the same everywhere. Nothing was biting and few and far between catches. I saw the snowy owls again and the bird watchers were as abundant as the anglers at one point. A few people caught some striped bass in the surf here and there, the Southern beaches were the better spots to fish again. The biggest striped bass I have seen yet was caught by, Justin Grynovicki and Jason Delgavio from Baltimore MD. The hit a 40 inch striped bass on a bunker head, took a quick picture and then released the fish. Kudos to the boys, it is not often you hear of people releasing striped bass in this area. I prefer catch and release to help ensure the continuation of the fish stocks. I only keep one fish in the thirty inch range every year at the most, and this past spring I did just that. To each his own, maybe one day we will wise up and change the creel limits to only one fish across the board for all the east coast states, and really help the stocks rebuild. I don’t think anyone has ever said “Hey let’s take a charter today, and then catch and release”. There are many opinions on how the stocks should be regulated, and I don’t think it is a cut and dry answer. Managing fish is not an easy job. The boats did decent today, but their frequency of catches was down as well, but much better than the surf. I even saw a flounder caught on a stretch 25 on the troll.

Beach tags for 2014 are now on sale at the Delaware State Park offices and the life saving station. I always get mine early s I can drive on the beach January first, that day all state offices are closed. I will try to find out when and if regular fishing licenses for 2014 will be on sale early this year. Monday meetings are starting back up December 2 (tomorrow night) in Delaware Distilling Company at 5:30 p.m. … 18693 Hwy One Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971. There are always food specials and the like for these meetings and I will work on a schedule for talks we will host throughout the winter months. Many have asked when we will start these meetings back up and I decided to jump in a month early. Come out and visit with like minded anglers and tell your favorite lies, stories, and trade techniques. If anyone wants DSF apparel or items from the store, I will have some things with me at every meeting. I hope to see you out there.
Fish On!!
Rich King
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