Octo Toggin in OCMD

ocmd, octopus, coast guard station, maryland
Octopus caught in OCMD … photo from JohnMarr


octopus, ocean city, maryland, OCMD, tautog fishing, green crabs
Pat Connelly with his Octopus from OCMD near the coast guard station … photo by John Marr

I ran into John Marr a member of the Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware this afternoon when we pulled off the beach.  He was out all morning trying to hold bottom in some seriously rough surf, and so were we.  He told me about a fishing trip the other day.  He and Pat Connelly were fishing for tautog near the Coast Guard Station in Ocean City Maryland and caught an unexpected creature.  Something was stealing their bait and when they pulled in a tug on the line,  a small octopus was holding onto the green crab and eating it.  John said they got a few pictures, then the octopus let go of the line and dropped into the water.  “It dropped back in the water squirt a large ink cloud and shot off into the deeper water.”   So do we have  new bait stealer to add to the list in the inlet rocks?  I hear of people catching octopus out in boats on wrecks all of the time, but that is a first for an inlet catch that I have heard  about.

bonefish, newjersey, florida flats fish, fly fishing
Bonefish found in New Jersey by Surfcaster Tyler Bennett
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Then again nothing this year has surprised me, the other night a dead bonefish (?) was found washed up on a beach in New Jersey.  I think the funniest thing about that post was everyone arguing if it were a bone fish or a lady fish, or a sea herring or a Jay, it’s a tuna bruh!  I wouldn’t break out the fly rod just yet and go bonefishing in the surf.  If it is a bonefish it is interesting to see a fish like that this far north, but then again we have seen some crazy things the last few years.  I have a friend trying to figure out what it is exactly.  So while everyone is waiting for the bass to show up it is good we have some stories to occupy our time.  The Delaware State Bluefish record was confirmed by DNREC today.  That is a run I would like to see a repeat of this fall, just like spring but not as long, I think they ate enough while they were here for seven weeks.   We will have to wait for spring next year to see if that happens again, another anomaly for the record books.  The bluefish spring blitz of 2015.

Fish On!!

Rich King

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