noma-coast2coast raising awareness of melanoma, melanoma awareness, cycling for melanoma, skin cancer
The journey of noma-coast2coast begins

I met Brian and Brendan McElrone tonight in Rehoboth at Arenas Deli.  Brian has been riding his bicycle across the country to help raise awareness for Melanoma.  “Melanoma is a tumor of melanin-forming cells, typically a malignant tumor associated with skin cancer. My brother Brendan was diagnosed with melanoma a few years back and successfully battled the disease. He consulted the Melanoma Research Foundation for knowledge and advice. That being said, it’s time to raise awareness and advocate the Cause.”  Originally from Easton PA, I asked Brian why end this journey at Cape henlopen State Park.  “I lived here for a few years and have always felt a great connection with this area, and CHSP was a sanctuary for my love of the outdoors.”  He started this cross country journey on October 11, and shot for a six week window to ride four thousand miles.  Riding ninety to one hundred miles a day he said it became automatic or machine like to just keep going every day.  Tomorrow he will hit the forty two day mark when he ends his journey in CHSP, and jumps into the Atlantic ocean.  He started in Marin County California at the Golden Gate Bridge.  Traveling across the country he has seen much of our country, and met some interesting people.  He will finish this trip in time to see his eleven siblings and parents in Easton, PA for Thanksgiving.  He is looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.  You can follow, read about, and donate to their cause on the blog site … .  It was a pleasure meeting these gentlemen.  It is always inspirational for me to see people helping other people.  My favorite quality in humans is when they act humane.  Good luck tomorrow boys and I look forward to following the next journey you take to raise awareness of Melanoma.  It was truly a pleasure meeting you both.


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Rich King

1 Comment
  1. icecavs7 says

    Absolutely amazing story thanks for sharing! Thank you to Brian for raising awareness for a very important issue!

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