Bunker are in the Delaware Bay


bunker, menhaden, atlantic fish, gill nets, fresh bait, port penn bait and tackle
Bunker from Port Penn Bait and Tackle … photo by Richard King

Yes you read that correctly.  The past two days I have been talking with several people and they are catching bunker in the Delaware Bay.  The watermen I know are seeing bunker in their nets and even some nice sized striped bass here and there as well.  It is possible behind these bunker schools we will start to see large migratory striped bass schools.  The fish follow the food, as much as anything else when they return to spawning grounds.  If you wold like to see and purchase some of these bunker go to Port Penn Bait and Tackle owned by Richard King (no relation to yours truly).  He has the freshest bunker you will find right now.  Port Penn is located at 2 B South Congress Street, Port Penn, Delaware.  Across the street from Kelly’s bar.  This weekend will be a good time to get out there and see what you can find.  Please release any of the big girls if you happen catch, so we have more breeders for spawning.  Catching large breeders does not stress them out anymore than when they are in the wild.  Granted it is stressful being caught, but not enough to stop them from spawning.  Don’t forget the circle hook regulations are in play in certain areas of Delaware Tidal waters.  These fish have survived a long time in the ocean as part of the food chain.  That in and of itself is respectable when you think about what they are up against on a daily basis, let the big girls go and have fun.

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Fish On!!

Rich King

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