US Wind will be conducting geophysical surveys within Indian River Bay early as May 7, 2022
US Wind (April 19, 2022) … Attached is the update for the current US Wind survey status. The PSV Regulus has completed operations in the US Wind Lease Area and has departed.
The small-craft survey vessel R/V Westerly, continues in the near-shore environment off Indian River along with a support vessel with offshore fisheries liaison, and a scout vessel as needed, that are working ahead of and during daily operations to identify and report pot and gillnet gear to the survey vessel. Operations will be ongoing until approximately mid-May 2022.
Inshore survey operations inside Indian River Bay will commence on or around May 9th 2022. Three shallow-draft vessels will be deployed during daylight hours only, and a team of protected species observers (PSO) will be on duty at all times. Operations are expected to last about 6 weeks.
The near-shore geotechnical survey will involve a stationary vessel and is to start off Indian River in September 2022 after Labor Day.
More information can be found at: or by scanning the QR code in the upper right corner of the attached Mariner’s Briefing.
We are glad to receive gear locations and fishing plans under terms of confidentiality, in order to optimize survey avoidance of gear sets.
The first US offshore wind farm has had no negative effect on fish, finds groundbreaking study
Orsted is still out there doing a few things in the inland bays and in front of south Rehoboth with that big lift boat platform.
Just an FYI … We were never going to be able to get rid of the lease areas.
No one wants to see anything built in the ocean, including me. HOWEVER when the federal government told a room full of 60 us in 2014 that offshore leases were coming for ocean industrialization. We realized choices were going to need to be made; Oil, Gas, Wind, or Sand Mining. They were NOT ASKING, we chose wind for what I would hope are obvious reasons. One of them being you can put a wind farm just about anywhere out there. Oil rigs go where they find oil and gas. Same with sand mining. In other words input for locations involving those three wouldn’t matter. At least the wind farms could be setup just about anywhere.
We chose nothing in our oceans at first, but that fantasy went away real fast. Because the federal government had just told us who they were and they were here to help. We all know how that works out. Ever do a group project in school?
Here we are nearly a decade later and everyone is fighting amongst themselves over something they cannot control. It is the wildest flex, but that is part of their hope. To keep you at each other so they can make money on each end. And all the while you are harassing their competition for them, making business difficult, and dragging this out longer. Which makes them more money.
By the way I am speaking of big oil now, not the wind farm companies. These companies are heavily invested in renewables. They are banking on your hate for change to make more money while the change occurs anyway.
The marine life on these turbines will be ridiculous. The electricity produced without pollution (smog etc) is needed. We had a glimpse of clean air and water for a hot minute during covid lockdowns. It was a small/tiny window into what a cleaner world can look like. Why would anyone not want that?
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