The seasonal clamming areas open every year on December first, time to make some clams casino! These are the areas in yellow on the map that are closed during the summer due to high bacteria levels. Right now the inland bays are really clear, especially Rehoboth bay. Once the bacteria and algae die off the water clears up real quick. Not to mention the lack of boaters helps a great deal, less silt gets stirred up this time of year. You just need some good waders, and a clam rake and you can go to town so to speak in the seasonal clamming areas. They are not as cleaned out as the more popular areas.

Summertime we get a lot of areas that are stripped of the smaller more popular cherry stone sized clams. Clams need to be 1.5 inches or larger to keep, residents can keep one hundred clams per day, non residents only fifty clams per day. You need a Delaware fishing license to clam in Delaware waters. The water is cold so be careful, hypothermia can be an issue this time of year.
Fish On!
Rich King
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