Temporary trail bridge on Creek Road Trail now open at Brandywine Creek State Park

Temporary trail bridge on Creek Road Trail now open at Brandywine Creek State Park 

WILMINGTON (Nov. 13, 2014) – DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation has installed a temporary bridge over Rocky Run within Brandywine Creek State Park, restoring a trail connection that will accommodate most trail users until a new Rocky Run Bridge is built. Last April, the Rocky Run Bridge was closed after damage from Superstorm Sandy and subsequent flood waters weakened its support structure, causing the bridge to be declared unsafe for any use, including foot and cycling traffic. 

The bridge is a part of the Creek Road Trail on the east side of the Brandywine River, and serves as the link between the park’s Rockland Road and Thompsons Bridge parking areas. The temporary bridge enables walkers, hikers and bicyclists to continue using the popular trail that parallels Brandywine Creek, but does not accommodate equestrian riders.

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“The temporary bridge creates a trail connection that we had lost when the historic bridge was closed in April due to unsafe conditions,” said Parks & Recreation Operations Administrator Paul Nicholson. “The new connection will accommodate the needs of most users. We must stipulate, however, that because this temporary bridge is narrow, cyclists are required to walk their bikes across it, while hiking and walking trail users should cross in single file.” Equestrians are not permitted to use the temporary span.

A permanent bridge is being designed and will be installed at the park during 2015, Nicholson said.


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