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Fly tying with Jello

Written in 2015, but thought we would share this again.  Ever use Jello to dye feathers? Yup, you read that correctly.  Now I am sure you are thinking, you can't even glue snot to Jello, much less tie it up or put it on a hook.  So how do you tie flies with Jello?  Shawn Rakes showed me a book this Saturday (2015) at the Saltwater Fly…

Pending New Jersey Tautog Record

Yesterday a pending state record tautog was brought to the dock in Cape May, New Jersey.   Frank LaMorte  was fishing with Capt. Tom Daffin of the Fishin’ Fever IV out of Cape May.  He caught the tautog in 130 feet of water with a white leg crab.  The fish measured in at 33 inches and weighed  25.37 pounds on the scales at Jim's Bait…

Crab Pot season is over and striped bass season is slow

Weill it is December first and it is sixty degrees outside, merry flip flop weather.  Crab pot season has ended and they need to be removed from the waters.  This is a great day to clean and repair your crab pots.  Check the turtle guards if they need replacing.  A pressure washer works great when the pots are still wet from soaking…

Keeper striped bass finally in the surf

Finally the website is moved and it is good to go, there is enough bandwidth to fly a plane through.  There will be no more issues with crashes from heavy traffic, thank you all for your patience.  Huge thanks to David Okonewski for being the webmaster of disaster, for the past year. He has had one heck of a job keeping the site online. If you…

The Fall Run … Coming Soon to a Beach Near You?

So when are the big bass going to arrive?  I think I hear that question ten times a day.  My answer is always, when they get here and then all you can do is smile.  Honestly to call exactly when the fall run will arrive in Delaware is hard, only the fish know.  So you have to watch other sites for reports, and talk to friends up and…

A Weekend of Fishing in the Elements Fishing has been fun this weekend despite the weather and winds.  Friday before it got too nasty out Scott, Ed and I went to the outer wall to do a little tog fishing.  We were on Scott's boat and it was the first trip to the wall, we had three hundred and fifty feet of anchor line.  Scott said we have…

Summer comes to an end but the fishing continues

The summer season is almost over, and the fishing has not changed much.  There are still plenty of flounder showing up at the Old Grounds.   The Indian River Inlet has been decent for flounder, the incoming tide has been better than the outgoing.  Massey's Landing has seen some nice ones pulled from the ditch.  Gulp (chartreuse) on speck rigs,…

DSF Monday Meetings and this crazy week … tautog

Well it has been an interesting few days to say the least. Monday we had EJ Chalabala,  from the Delaware Center for the Inland bays give a presentation on Shellfish Aquaculture to our fishing group at Old Bay Steakhouse.  Every Monday DSF has a gathering at Old Bay Steakhouse for anglers to meet, hang out, and talk fishing.  We learned a great…

Striped bass are still in Delaware waters

The weather warmed up over the weekend, not like it was predicted in some cases, but it was still decent.  There were a lot of folks coming this way to go for the striped bass that have been showing.  Keepers were pulled from the rail, rock piles, the bays, and out front on the troll.  There are shorties everywhere.  It was very foggy every…