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Reading The Beach To Surf Fish

Reading a Delaware beach to surf fish will help you find and catch more fish After a nor'easter or heavy wave storm surges. The beaches are all carved up and washed out, but that is actually a helpful tool for any surf angler. Especially in Delaware, it is tough to read a beach here. Some carved troughs soon to be swales are tens

Attention Boaters New Buoy Placement for Indian River Bay

In 2018 the buoy placement was changed, and still stands as of today. The numbers may be off by a few feet give or take I am told by the Coast Guard Station Indian River. Make sure you have this marked on your plotters. This year the sand bars and shoaling is even worse than last, in some areas. We have many aerial shots from Driscoll Drones to

Finding The Cuts

One of the most difficult things to locate is a good cut in the Delaware surf. They are usually subtle,and there are several distinct cuts that many know the location. The "cut" is the area where water that is pushed across two sandbars drains back into the ocean. Between the sandbars. Reading the beach at Cape Henlopen State Park

Kalmar Nyckel Will Not Be Returning To Lewes … Again

Last year we didn't get to see the Kalmar Nyckel, which is a common site when we are fishing the point after it opens in September.  Every year in August Delaware’s tall ship, the Kalmar Nyckel comes to Lewes and offers tours sailing around the area.  Last year she didn't come due to the finger pier dock at the Lewes Terminal where…

The Haystacks Were Hovering Today

(Feb 2019) ... When I looked down the beach today, while driving to the point, the ice breakers or haystacks looked really tall, too tall.  The ships in the background were floating, and the Jersey coast was floating.  It was cool to see this mirage today while I was exploring and hunting for a bird picture (snowy owl).  I swear trying to find a

Striped Bass, They Need Your Help

Many have been saying this for the last several years. We are seeing less and less striped bass catches, this year being no exception. Some keep saying that the fish are all in the EEZ (exclusive economic zone), or my favorite "The fish are in the EEZ because they know we can't catch them there". Yes there are a lot of fish out in the EEZ, but they…

ASMFC Indefinitely Postpones Action on VA Compliance with Atlantic Menhaden Amendment 3 Chesapeake Bay Reduction Fishery Cap

Arlington, VA – The Commission’s Atlantic Menhaden Management Board postponed indefinitely action to find the Commonwealth of Virginia out of compliance with the provisions of Amendment 3 to the Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Menhaden, specifically the Commonwealth’s failure to implement the Chesapeake Bay reduction fishery cap of 51,000 mt.…

ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Board Approves Status Quo Measures for 2019 Recreational Black Sea Bass Fishery

Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board approved status quo measures for the 2019 black sea bass recreational fishery (see Table 1). This action is based on the recommendations of its Technical Committee, which found that status quo measures are not likely to exceed…

ASMFC Atlantic Herring Board Approves Draft Addendum II for Public Comment Draft Addendum Considers Measures to Protect Spawning Herring in Area 1A

Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Herring Management Board approved Draft Addendum II to Amendment 3 of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Herring for public comment. The Draft Addendum proposes options to strengthen spawning protections in Area 1A (inshore Gulf of Maine). This action…

DNREC to hold open houses Feb. 25, 26, and 27 seeking public input on preliminary recommendations from the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act Regulatory Advisory Committee

DOVER (Feb. 5, 2019) – Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) will hold three public open houses in February, seeking input on preliminary recommendations made by the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act Regulatory Advisory Committee.    The Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act requires DNREC to develop and…

Whale Washes Up In Cape Henlopen State Park

   A couple of weekends ago when the weather was really frigid and the seas were rough from the winds.  An adult pygmy sperm whale washed up on the beach in Cape Henlopen State park not far from the point on the ocean-side.  Art Sullivan took a bunch of pictures and contacted MERR after they found the whale.  Art Sullivan ... "We found it not too…

Baker’s Channel and Massey’s Ditch at Low Tide

 Driscoll Drones took more aerial shots and video today of the Masseys Ditch and Baker's Channel area of Rehoboth Bay along the backside of Lynch's Thicket Island at low tide.  "The tide was still trickling out" ..  Chris Driscoll.    He starts with the Charles W Cullen bridge and Burtons Island in the background, where Baker's…

Local Tackle Shop Auctioning Off Entire Inventory

Emmert Auction Associates announced last week they are auctioning off the contents of a local tackle shop  Bills Sport Shop located at 18388 coastal highway.  Saturday February 2nd from 9:30 am to when they are finished.  I would be prepared to spend most of the day there.  You can preview the merchandise starting at 9 am on Saturday.  …

Indian River Marina Abandoned Boat Auction

 There is a online auction for abandoned boats at the Indian River Marina.  The auction is active now and opening bids are starting at $25.00 on US GovBid.  If you are not registered to bid with their service online just sing up and pay the registration fee.  It can take a couple of days to get approved.  The online auction closes February 7 at 7…

You Instagram Girls Need To Stop

Not long ago a friend tagged me in a post of a girl sitting on the edge of the Charles W Cullen bridge (The Indian River Inlet Bridge).  She was posing and taking selfies.  Now we all like to take our craziest or favorite selfie once in a while, even made a game of sorts out of it online.  Anyone read about the bikini hiker that died taking a…

“Cards For Guards” Was A Huge Success

Gift Card Drive For The United States Coast Guard Indian River And Lewes Stations THANK YOU, everyone who came out last night and are still trying to donate today. The response to the gift card drive for the Coast Guard was amazing. Last night over 225 people dropped by Crooked Hammock and Easy Speak. I had no idea the

Masseys Ditch And Sand Bars At Dead Low Tide

These drone shots and video really give you an idea of not only the size of these sand bars but how much space in the bay they are occupying.  These sand bars are cutting down on safe boat traffic options.  The wildlife, fish and everything is affected by these filled in areas of the Indian River Bay and Rehoboth Bay.  The Masseys dredge project …

War On The Shore Surf Fishing Tournament 2019

Welcome to War On The Shore 2019, a surf fishing tournament brought to you by Delaware Surf Fishing with a first prize upwards of $10,000 maximum.  Sponsored by DSF,  Diamond State Custom Tackle, and Fishbites. We are also giving a portion of ticket sales to Frets 4 Vets, $5 of each ticket will go to this great organization.  Sponsorship is

That’s No Moon!!

When the moon went red the true moon was exposed last night.  Apparently the earth's shadow gets rid of that pesky cloaking device.  Leave it to the internet to have fun with everything.  Every time there is a moon event these pictures pop up online and they are hilarious!  The super blood wolf deathstar, it's a trap!  You have to love star…

January’s Super Blood Wolf Moon Pictures

   I learned a few things while freezing my tail off last night.  I need a tripod, a remote for taking pictures, and more studying of moon shots.  I am still learning how to use a real camera, point and click with auto doesn't work on moon shots.  There are usually a ton of pictures online, but I think the lack of is due to the insane…

Watch The Super Blood Wolf Moon Live Right Here

   If you don't want to stay out and freeze to death you can watch the Blood Moon live below.   I have been running in and out of the house freezing my tail off all night.  I am using this to see when I should run out and take another picture.  The peak will be around 12:12 am for the brightest of the full lunar eclipse.  This is when the moon…

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation receives land parcel donation adding wetlands to Fork Branch Nature Preserve in Dover

DOVER (Jan.18, 2019) – DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation, in partnership with the Kent County Conservancy, announced today that it has secured two wetland parcels formerly owned by the McClements family of Dover, to become part of the Fork Branch Nature Preserve. The two parcels, one almost three acres in size, the other just over 2½…

DNREC’s Brandywine Zoo temporarily closed through February for construction and improvement projects

 DOVER (Jan. 18, 2019) – DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation announced today that the Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington is temporarily closed through the end of February while construction and improvement projects are made to the zoo’s campus. The zoo’s education building will remain open to host upcoming programs scheduled throughout January and…

Inland Bays Oysters… A Southern Delaware Delicacy

New brand and marketing campaign launched for commercially produced local oysters Rehoboth Beach, DE (January 11, 2019)- The Inland Bays fledgling shellfish aquaculture industry is aiming to develop a strong market-share for Inland Bays oyster products. In order to accomplish this goal, creating brand equity for oyster producers and brand

The Super Blood Wolf Moon Cometh

 This weekend we are going to get to see a lunar eclipse and it will be awesome!!  If the weather holds out for clear skies, and so far it is looking good.  That is one thing that hampers stargazing, cloud cover.  I don't mind spotty cloud cover it makes for cool pictures.  So what is the super blood wolf moon?  It is a lunar eclipse of the…

Delaware Bay Derelict Crab Pot Removal Pilot Study

 Last night at the Advisory Council on Shellfisheries,  Nicole Rodi gave an update on DNREC's 2 year pilot study of derelict crab pots in the Delaware Bay.  The study was conducted in a 6 mile stretch near Collins Beach.  In that 6 miles they found 517 derelict crab pots.  The study is done when no one is crabbing commercially, since…

The Petition To Take Away Access From Surf Anglers

  I forgot to include this petition that is online and active right now.  The Beach Coalition wants to take access away from surf anglers to have a better beach experience for their renters, owners and guests, all 14,000 of them.  Never mind the public can not actually or easily access these areas.  I was told today that the public can access that…

DNREC Shoreline & Waterway Management beach replenishment projects set for Pickering, Kitts Hummock and Bowers beaches

DOVER – DNREC’s Shoreline and Waterway Management Section within the Division of Watershed Stewardship will begin beach replenishment work in early February, pending permit approvals, for the Delaware Bay communities of Pickering Beach, Kitts Hummock, and Bowers Beach, DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin announced today. Replenishment, which is…

First Seal Of The New Year

This morning Lynne Larson sent me a text message. "There is this cute little fella on the beach at Tower road. There are a lot of people out here, I contacted MERR, (Marine Education, Research & Rehabilitation Institute)." I turned around and headed back to the beach, which is where I was headed until I got side

The Millville Volunteer Fire Company’s Outdoorsman Marketplace Presented by the Voice Radio Network’s The Vault Classic Rock 103.5 &102.9

The Millville Volunteer Fire Company is hosting their inaugural Outdoorsman Marketplace, Presented by the Voice Radio Network's The Vault Classic Rock 103.5 &102.9 on January 12th. Benefiting the Millville Volunteer Fire Company to help raise money for a new fire hall. This is an "outdoorsman" show that is inside the fire hall, from 7 am to…

Teaching Stewardship The Right Way

 Saturday was one of our weekly beach clean ups.  We met at Fenwick Island State Park.  We always meet in the parking lot, and you never know who is coming to help.  The core group as we call it was there, minus a few who are out-of-town for the holidays.  We also had some new faces and that is always appreciated.    A family of four…

Dewey And Lewes Cancel New Year’s Drops

There are plenty foo festivities this evening into tonight but the ball drop in Dewey and the anchor drop in Lewes are canceled due to rain.  Dewey canceled their ball drop yesterday.  The dirty hand gang that maintain the Overfalls Lightship hoped to see a change in the weather but it actually changed for the worse, so they canceled a little while…

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation to host public meeting on proposed changes in surf fishing program … tag fees and limiting tags

DOVER (Dec.17, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation will discuss proposed changes to the surf fishing program at its upcoming, regularly-scheduled Parks and Recreation Council meeting. The meeting, open to the public, is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 17th, at the Dover Public Library, 35 East Loockerman Street, Dover 19901.…

The State of the Beach Report Delaware Scores a C

The surfrider foundation just put out their annual State of the beach report card and Delaware came in at a C.  I am not surprised sine they base their reports on shoreline erosion, rising tides, extreme weather events and how that state deals with those conditions.  Some of the lowest grades are in areas that deal with the worst or extreme weather…

Aids To Navigation Have Been Removed

    The aids to navigation or buoys have been removed from the inland bays for the season by the Coast Guard.  These will be cleaned, stored, and then reset in the very early spring.  if you haven't marked your way out tot he inlet form your pier.  You might want to be careful and watch your speed on the way out.  Fish On! Rich King

Great Perspective Of The Lower Delaware Bay

    The angle of this picture really lets you put into perspective just how much water moves through the mouth of the bay.  It is a bottle neck, that is why the currents are so bad around the point and Cape May.  Robin Tyler "You can learn a lot at 30,000 feet,  I was flying from BWI to Providence, RI on Tuesday. Delaware Bay at about 9:15 a.m.…

There Are No Fish In The Ocean

   We fished the point yesterday, and conquest the day before, and 3Rs the day before that, and then we ...  well you get the idea.  The joke as of late has been,  "there are no fish in the ocean".  Saying this helps us justify why we are not catching.  Except all these dogfish, there are a lot of them and some days they aren't even around.…

DNREC Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police arrest two Sussex County men for weapons and poaching violations

DOVER (Dec. 12, 2018) – DNREC Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officers arrested two Sussex County men last night for multiple weapons and poaching violations while investigating a report of individuals trespassing to hunt near Millsboro.  Brendon Dibble, 20, of Millsboro, was charged with one count each of possession of a firearm by…

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation offers special holiday programs and events Dec. 24 – Jan 1

DOVER (Dec.13, 2018) – You don’t have to hibernate over the holidays this year if you get out and get moving in Delaware’s state parks. From “First Day Hikes,” to “Zoo Camp,” to “Stroller Rollers,” there is plenty to do and see in DNREC’s state parks over the winter break from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day.  Children who love animals will…

The Best Meteor Show of The Year Peaks This Week

 People are already seeing the colorful earth grazers light up the sky.  These are the brightly colored meteors that light up the sky and burn longer, and move slower.  One was seen the other night in our area by several residents.    The Geminids is the last show of the year and the best.  Moon set is at 11 Pm, and keep it to your back when…

The State That Started a Nation

    Today we celebrate Delaware Day, established in 1933 by Governor C. Douglass Buck.  It commemorates the day that Delaware was the first state to ratify the Federal Constitution.  The state that started a nation or the first state as we are known around the world.  The History behind why we were the first ot ratify the constitution is a good…

Delaware State Park Passes For 2019 Are Here!

Get your park passes and surf tags for 2019 now.  If you are like us and want to be out there the first day of 2019 you're gonna need to get that pass before the 31st of December.    You can buy a two-year surf tag, I opt for the single year each time.  I never know how long my beach beater will make it.  It only costs a few bucks to…

Tuna Washes Up On A Jersey Beach

   You never know what will wash up on a beach, striped bass anglers early this morning in New Jersey found one hell of a catch on the beach.  A large tuna was discovered by surf casters on a beach in New Jersey's Island Beach State Park.  The eyes are not clouded over and rumor is it was still alive somewhat.     About 3 years ago we had…

DSF’s Surf Fishing Tournament Schedule for 2019

   We have a few tournaments coming up in 2019 and wanted to list them all here so you can get your calendars marked.   We also have a very cool online surf fishing tournament we will be dong throughout the summer.  It is nearly impossible to do a summer tourney on the weekends, but online it is breeze.  DSF's Summer Surf Fishing Slam Series…

Tow Boat US Pulls Car From Indian River

Tow boat US Indian River doesn't have a car towing service, but they do a lot more than just tow and pull boats all day.  A few days ago a car was discovered underwater near the end of Warwick road.  This road literally runs right into the Indian River, just below the power plant.  It is a great place to launch a kayak by the way. …

Long Neck Fire Ruled Arson

   In the beginning of November the Carillion woods apartment complex was set on fire.  It was a massive fire that took several companies to put out.  Thank you all for that, this is the community I live in back here in the country.  Good to see the fast response.   Unfortunately this has been ruled as intentionally set and is now an arson…

Getting Bent On The Beach

   Just before the holidays you would expect to just see a few vehicles headed out to the beach, to fish.  The last thing you would think to see is a Bentley on the drive on ramp.  But here we are.   Maybe they were trying to top the Tesla on the beach.  Story goes this Bentley was driven onto the OSV at Assateague on purpose.   Apparently…

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife promotes December hunting and trapping season openings Duck, Canada goose, brant, and antlerless deer hunting season splits open; furbearer trapping seasons open in all three counties

DOVER (Nov. 29, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife is promoting the December openings of Delaware’s duck, Canada goose, brant, and antlerless deer hunting season splits, as well as the opening of furbearer trapping seasons. Numerous other hunting seasons remain open in December. Hunters are reminded of expanded Sunday deer hunting…

Learn To Tie A Spearing Fly With Knee Deep Fly Fishing

   Micah Dammeyer is the owner of Knee Deep Fly fishing and guides in the gunpowder.  When he can't fish, he is preparing to fish.  Tying flies, tweaking gear, basically the same stuff we all do in one form or another.  The video below is a great little tutorial on tying one of these spearing flies.    This particular fly he is tying is working…

Blue Angels Will Fly By Ocean City

    The OC Airshow is in June but in order to be prepared the headliner this year, the Blue Angels, based in Pensacola, Florida will make a quick fly by of Ocean City, MD.  Lieutenant Cary Rickoff and Lieutenant Commander Adam Kerrick will land at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility at 2:30 p.m.     The fly by will occur before they land at…

Fall Fish Bowl Results

 The inaugural Fall Fish Bowl was on Thanksgiving weekend.  We got lucky with the weather, because the rain held off for most of the day.  67 surf anglers competed for prizes and bragging rights.  Huge thanks to everyone for coming out we raised $305 for Frets 4 Vets with ticket sales.     The day started out a little gloomy looking with…

Despite The Cold You Should Be Fishing

   It doesn't take much to get these striped bass moving and feeding.  This cold snap is definitely making that happen.  The main migration is still way up north but there are fish on the move.  If you are not out there you could easily miss fish just swimming by Delaware.  The water temperatures are perfect.     Sea lice are all over the…

When You Get Skunked But There Is An Airshow

Happy Thanksgiving!! ...  Have a great day, be safe out there it is cold!  We spent over three hours on the outgoing tide yesterday all over Cape Henlopen.  The ocean was flat calm, like a lake.  I think the biggest wave we saw was eighteen inches, tops.  We were tossing plugs, spoons, white plastics, green plastics, and sand eel flies on AVA jigs.…

Fall Fish Bowl Packet Pick up, Awards Venue, and Details

We have been trying to post all day Facebook, and the internet pick the worst times to go straight up wonky.      The awards ceremony is at Crabby Dicks on route 1,18831 Coastal Hwy, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971.  Huge thanks to John for accommodating us at the last-minute. We will be set up in the back area, and start the awards around 5 PM…

DNREC Division of Parks & Recreation to offer free admission to Delaware’s state parks and the Brandywine Zoo on Black Friday

DOVER (Nov. 16, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation, and Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), invite the public to #OptOutside this Black Friday by visiting Delaware State Parks. This year, visitors can enjoy free entry to state parks on Black Friday, Nov. 23. The Brandywine Zoo is joining in on the outdoor fun and will also…

Delaware Surf Fishing Tag Auction Starts This Week

Delaware State Parks is having another numbered black Delaware surf fishing tag auction.  Details and the links you need are below.   Next Auction November 23 (Black Friday) through December 5, 2018 Auction website: 2-, 3- and 4-digit surf tag numbers available at this auction: 27 62 107 262 Choice of 51 – 200…

Inland Bay Buoys Will Be Pulled Soon

   Every year these buoys have to be pulled from the inland bays. The USCG Indian River informed us the buoys in the back bays (inland bays) will be pulled on December 10th.  If you are planning on keeping your boat in beyond then to fish, I would go out and start marking buoys if you have not already.       The buoys are pulled every…

Fishy Weekend Into A Cold Week

The low on Wednesday is 26 degrees, you should be fishing all week.  The striped bass are reacting well to the cold.  Over the weekend the action turned back on after the water calmed down and cleared up.  Inland bays are fluctuating between 51 and 48 degrees, expect that to drop more this week.  The Delaware Bay and the surf are in the lower…

Water Temperatures Are Plummeting

Old Man winter wants to go rock fishing.  Because of the last storm (last weekend) and this first snow for some of you storm, the water temperatures are dropping fast.  The inland bays have dipped as low as twelve degrees in six days.  Last weekend started out around sixty degrees and then the temperatures just dropped dramatically in two days.  A…

High Tide And The Surf Is Wide

GALE WARNING ... Well it is raining, again.  If you are up north the snow has people all jammed up.  It wasn't supposed to snow as much, but the temperature dropped just a couple of degrees and here we are with more snow.  Ever notice the first snow no matter how little there is the accidents are out of control?       The surf, due to the wind…

Antares Launch Update

  The Antares launch has been postponed due to weather, the new launch date is now Friday November 16th at 4:23 AM.  This launch is looking good for Friday, but could also be scrubbed due to the incoming weather.  Stay tuned.   Fish on! Rich King

Antares Rocket Launch At NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility

I was supposed to attend this launch, but there was a schedule conflict with another event this week.  I am still going to try to pull it off, all in one very long day.  It is fun to watch the launch with the media at the Wallops Flight facility, you are as up close and personal as they will allow anyone.   The only issue at this point is a weather…

The Leonids Meteor Shower Peak Is Coming

 The weather is looking close to good enough to see this show.  We are already missing the Northern Taurids' peak due to cloud cover.  The Leonids meteor shower will peak this weekend, November 17th to the 18th.  Producing 10-20 meteors/hour.  The moon will affect this shower, but after moonset, which is  at 2 AM, then viewing will be much easier.…

DNREC Dedicates New Auburn Valley State Park in Yorklyn

YORKLYN (Nov. 9, 2018) – Governor John Carney and DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin were joined by U.S. Senator Tom Carper, state legislators, New Castle County and local officials, neighbors, and friends, at the dedication and ribbon-cutting of Delaware’s newest and 17th state park, the Auburn Valley State Park in Yorklyn.  Formerly the Auburn…

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announces Sportsmen Against Hunger program butcher shops and cooler locations accepting donated deer

Processed venison donated to charitable organizations    DOVER (Nov. 9, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announced today the private butcher shops and DNREC cooler locations that accept donated deer for the Sportsmen Against Hunger program during Delaware’s 2018/19 deer hunting season. Deer generously donated by successful deer…

It’s Windy Again Must Be The Weekend

   Gale warnings and small craft advisory ... Well the wind picked back up and is going to blow all weekend.  We had flat calm for about two days and some decent fishing in the surf for blues and short striped bass.  The surf is wide today, but fishable.  The water is also gorgeous crystal clear right now, which is odd for the amount of wind.…

Delaware to Hold ASMFC Hearing on Summer Flounder and Black Sea Bass Recreational Management on November 8 in Dover

Delaware will host an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) hearing on Draft Addenda XXXI and XXXII to the Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP) at 6 PM on November 8, 2018 in the DNREC Auditorium, 89 Kings Highway, Dover.  ASMFC seeks input on the management options for Summer Flounder and Black Sea…

Nighttime Closure of SR 1 in Both Directions

DELDOT TRAFFIC ALERT (Nov,5 2018)  - Nighttime Closure of SR 1 in Both Directions.  From NE 10th Street to SR 36 in Milford Beginning Monday November 12  Milford --The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that State Route 1 will be closed in both directions from NE 10th Street to SR 36 in Milford between the hours of 8 p.m.…

Shellfish Advisory Council to meet November 7 in Dover

The Shellfish Advisory Council will meet at 7 PM on November 7, 2018 in the DNREC Auditorium, 89 Kings Highway, Dover.  The Council will discuss reorganization of the Council and will receive updates on conch research and Inland Bays shellfish aquaculture.  For more information, including the meeting agenda, visit the Delaware Public Meeting…

Urgent: The USDA Wants Your PA Spotted Lanternflies

My Buddies at the USDA need your adult lantern flies to run experiments on, and they need them yesterday.  No, this is not a Halloween prank or a bad B horror movie, well, maybe how one starts.  Seriously, calling all Pennsylvania folk, your help in finding adult specimens is being requested ASAP.   Hey PA folks, I'm looking for property…

New Kingfish In Town

 Last week Kevin Michael sent us a picture of what he and we thought was a red fish without a spot.  Because it was nearly four pounds.  Our southern and northern kingfish never get that big.  I decided to do a little research and it turns out though that gulf kingfish do get that big, upwards of 18 inches.  I've never seen one before up here.  If…

Happy Halloween Beaches

    Time to cast some spells, put a curse on a googan, and get the children ready for bait, I mean fishing.  In case your fishing has not been as good as Agnes' we have a couple fish summoning spells for you to try.  By the way the right eye flounder in England is called the Witch Flounder.  There is also an eel called the dogface witch eel.  …

Superstorm Sandy was 6 Years Ago

Thanks to Facebook you always get a daily reminder and today's was of Superstorm Sandy six years ago. Covering that storm was crazy, We spent 3 solid days glued to computers doing updates wondering when the power would go out, it never did. Watching the storm hammer the coast line on Del-Dot Cameras was surreal.

The Point Looks Smaller Be Careful Driving

We checked out Cape Henlopen State park drive on beaches today when they were reopened.  The point has a bad spot on the way out.  Water pushed into the dunes and where it flowed out is filling in with water at high tide to the dune fence.  It is huge cut to say the least, be careful you don't just want to drive across it too fast.…

Beer Can Tab Can Save The Day Fishing

   A brewery recently put a diagram on their beer cans showing people how ot make a fish hook out of a beer can tab.  There is just one problem.  You are going to need to have some serious tools in the field to make this hook.    This is a pretty cool idea, and we are going to try this out this week.  I have been tagged in this photo a dozen…

Broadkill Beach Takes Another Hit

   The nor'easter pummeled the beaches pretty good in a very short time.  The lower ocean beaches did fine.  The Bay beaches at Broadkill took another pummeling and the cliff got a little bigger and longer.      Noreasters will continue to wear out this berm for the rest of the winter. 

Some Drive On Accesses Are Opening

  Parks is evaluating the drive on beaches.  It will take a little while but Cape Henlopen just opened Naval Crossing, Point Comfort Station, and Herring Point Crossing.  The point could be a little dicey at high tide so I would guess they will wait on that area.   As of right now Delaware Seashore State Park and Fenwick Island accesses…

Route 1 Southbound Flooded Below Inlet

The flooding so far isn't too bad and typical for a noreaster.  The marsh flowed onto southbound route 1 below the bridge.  Norhtside of the bridge aside from the sand issue seems fine.    Rehoboth bay is still filling up with water.  Oaka Orchard and the long neck areas are flooding in the typical areas.  Storm surge without wind can flood the…

Beaches Closed, Route 1 breached by sand

    Did summer show back up because it is much warmer out than I expected.  The noreaster overnight was a lot of fun, nothing like loud wind to keep you up most of the night.  The drive on beaches are closed, water is to the dunes already.   High tide is an hour away.  Water is pushing into the old breach areas in Cape Henlopen.  The rest of…

Storms A Comin’

 unless you live under a rock you know the first noreaster of the winter season is headed this way.   We have some irregular higher tides due to the full moon.  Coastal flooding will be an issue.  Not to mention a solid day of an easterly blow will push a lot of water into the inland bays.  You all know the drill, it is a typical noreaster. …

No Wake Zone in Lewes-Rehoboth Canal Will Be Increased

DNREC Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police announce extension of No Wake Zone in Lewes-Rehoboth Canal  LEWES (Oct. 26, 2018) – DNREC Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police announced today that additional No Wake signs are being installed to extend the current No Wake Zone in the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal southward to the Rehoboth Bay. The…

Sea Witch Parade Update

From the Rehoboth Dewey Chamber of Commerce ...  "Weather-related decisions regarding the Sea Witch® Costume Parade will not be made until late Friday night/ early Saturday morning. PARADE BAD WEATHER PLAN. In the event of unsafe weather causing cancellation of the costume parade on Saturday, notification will be posted to the Chamber’s…

DSF Dunkers Polar Plunge Team Needs Your Help!

  We have a Polar Bear Plunge team this year for the 2019 Lewes Polar Bear Plunge.  The DSF Dunkers are asking for your help to raise money for our team and we could always use more dunkers.   We are looking for donations for our team, and team members, and obviously more people who want to jump into the ocean in February.  We like the…

Weekly Beach Clean Ups Will Resume Nov 3rd

  We will resume weekly beach clean ups on Saturdays next weekend.  I already know this weekend is going to literally be a wash out on t he beaches with the coming potential nor'easter.  We will pick up at Beach Plum on November 3rd and resume our usual schedule of a different beach each Saturday starting at 9 AM as we go down the coast. Nov…

New Castle County Council Recognizes No Straw November

WILMINGTON (10/23/2018 ) – Tonight, New Castle County Council, led by Councilman John Cartier in partnership with Plastic Free Delaware, passed Resolution #R18-183 in recognition of No Straw November in order to raise awareness of the initiative to reduce the use of single-use plastics.  The campaign encourages dining establishments to voluntarily…

Action Figures Make Any Fish Look 50 Pounds

Our buddy Todd AF showed us how to make our juvy black drum look fifty pounds the other day. Never mind the fact Todd AF is a six-inch action figure, he catches big fish, well, according to him. He is fun to fish with, but really quiet which is great and annoying. He just catches a fish and holds it up, with a look on his face

Albies Making It To Delaware

I have been waiting weeks to see this , albies caught in Delaware. Well near enough to be called Delaware. Captain Keith Beebe of Surface Tension out of Lewes and his boys banged up some albies the other day. "They were busting on bait in schools out near site 11, little micro bait the small minnows. Right now they

Masseys Ditch Dredge Project Announcement

The permit for The Massey's Ditch Dredging Project is up for public comment. The PDF is below with all the maps and details. This is pretty much a no-brainer, dredging needs to be done and then some. "The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Indian

Tow Boat US Is Helping Mexico Beach And You can Too

From Captain Clarke Droney ...  I’m asking All of my Delaware and Maryland friends and fellow business owners for Help!  On Thursday 10/18 my BOATUS counterpart Capt Robert Butler and Capt Casey left San Diego Ca with a 24’enclosed trailer full of supplies en-route to Mexico Beach Florida to assist with hurricane Michael relief effort. He’ll…

The Orionids Will Peak Sunday

 The Orionids, which usually produce 20 meteors/hour and peaks on October 21st into the 22nd.  This shower is from the debris of Halley’s comet and puts on one of the best shows.  The dimmer meteors will be more difficult to see this year due to the nearly full moon light.    Moonset is at 4 AM, between then and dawn would be a small, but great…

Nautical Flea Market Moves To Sunday

  The second annual Nautical Flea Market at Island Watersports in Fenwick Island is now on Sunday from 9 am to 3 pm.  DSF will be there with apparel, War On The Shore Hoodies and T-shirts (limited supply), DS Custom Tackle and other "stuff".   I will also be able to sign up anyone who wants to compete in the Fall Fish Bowl 2018.         Last…

Frost Advisory And So It Begins

FROST ADVISORY UNTIL 9 AM  Gale Warning This Evening Until Late Tonight,  Trucks, decks, yard, and house is covered in a thin layer of ice this morning.  First frost of the year!  Now the reality of winter can start to settle down.     The water temperatures for the inland bays are in the low sixties.  The surf is 68 degrees.  Going to be a…

Governor Carney, DNREC, DelDOT and Partners Break Ground For Saltmarsh Boardwalk Project At Slaughter Beach

SLAUGHTER BEACH (Oct. 18, 2018) – This morning, Delaware Governor John Carney joined DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin, DelDOT Secretary Jennifer Cohan, state legislators, conservation partners, and the community of Slaughter Beach to celebrate the groundbreaking for the Marvel Saltmarsh Preserve Boardwalk project. The boardwalk and overlook will…

DNREC’s Nonpoint Source Program offering free trees to Delaware residents in partnership with DDA’s Forest Service

DOVER (Oct. 18, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Watershed Stewardship Nonpoint Source Program is offering a free tree to Delaware residents in partnership with the Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry program within the Department of Agriculture. The free tree program is part of the Arbor Day Foundation's Community Canopy Project to …

Falling Into Winter Like

Looks like summer packed her stuff and left, didn't even say goodbye!   We are going to see some low forties for temperatures tomorrow.  Meanwhile Pennsylvania could be seeing snow and I am still mowing my grass!!  What a weird end of the season, or the beginning of one, depending on how you look at it.  Fall weather is really here now and looks…

War On The Shore 2018 Results

Thank you to everyone for participating in the first annual War On The Shore surf fishing tournament.  I think I had more fun running this tournament than actually fishing, I'm kidding, watching you all fish was killing me.  Took all I had not to toss a spoon between anglers, that would have been ugly if I caught a qualifying fish. We had 185…

False Albies On The Way

We have been down for a few days due to some computer and modem glitches. Something was disturbed in the matrix and our systems went haywire on Friday and we are still working out some bugs. Hoping this posts without any issues and we will be good to go. albie candy The false albie action is heating up in the surf in northern New

Indian River Inlet Has A Killer New Web Cam

(Oct 12 2018) ... It is nice to be able to use web cams to see the conditions for fishing and what not, especially during storms. Recently DELDOT added another webcam to the north pylon of the Charles W Cullen Bridge and it is an epic view. You can see the entire southside jetty and beach. Surfers will love and hate this

Spotted Lantern Fly Found In Kent County

A single spotted lanternfly has been found in Kent County Delaware.  This is a serious issue since the spotted lantern fly can be an aggressive invasive species.  That is a serious hazard for the agriculture industry.  The Agriculture department is trying to do more surveys to see if this is an established population or just a random dead bug that…

HUGE SALE Lighthouse View Bait And Tackle

This Friday to Sunday 8 AM to 4 PM, Lighthouse View Bait and Tackle at the Cape Henlopen fishing pier, will have a closing weekend sale.  Dave Beebe "I am offering 25% off everything in the shop.  We have limited supplies of some gear, first come first serve. We are loaded to the gills with bait for the War On The Shore anglers".         Dave…

War On The Shore Weather

GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM EDT THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON Obviously we have been watching this weather closely.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the panhandle area.  My friends in Pensacola did fine but other areas did not.  The damage down there is pretty bad and they are just now barely getting a handle on things.…

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council to Host Workshop Addressing Law-Enforcement Issues in For-Hire Fisheries

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will host a workshop November 13-14 (Law Enforcement/ For-Hire Workshop) to identify issues related to law enforcement in for-hire fisheries and sale by recreational anglers of tilefish and tuna and to develop potential solutions. Specifically, the workshop will address: Operator versus angler…

Check Out This Behemoth In The Harbor Of Safe Refuge

(Oct 2018) ... This just showed up last evening in Lewes and it is huge. I rounded the corner this morning heading to check out the pier (not shipwreck) that was exposed or washed up along the flats in Cape Henlopen State Park. This behemoth greeted me from atop the dune. SEACOR SUPPORTER CLASS 200’ LIFTBOAT has enough

Got Mullet?

 It is party town USA at the Pier in the flats and Lewes Beach.  Mullet are all over the flats, being pushed up by flounder and bluefish.  This morning on flat calm water was quite the spectacle.  Hundreds of mullet and baitfish pushing up at one time, porpoising along the top of the water to escape predators.  You would see huge nervous spots…

Bull Red Drum In Bethany Beach

(October 6, 2018) ... Just when you start asking around if anyone has caught or tried to catch a bull red from the surf near Ocean City, this happens.  Matt Miller posted a picture to the DSF group page yesterday of one of the three bull reds he got in the surf in Bethany Beach.    Matt Miller with one of the three bull red drum he caught in

Drum Still Hitting Hard At Assateague

Dave Moore and several folks have been fishing hard at Assateague for the drum run and doing well all week.  "Another epic morning shooting a tv segment with Outdoors Delmarva , unfortunately he (andrew Tawes) only got one of the fish on film, tune in to watch which one.. managed a 40" red pre sunrise, a 40" after sunrise, then a double-header 10…

Killing It With Cocktails On Spoons

The cocktail or summer snapper bluefish action has been great in Cape Henlopen especially at the point.  There have been a lot of bluefish schools all over bait fish.  They are easy to hook up on spoons, especially the bayside of the point, where the water is calmer.     The ocean beaches have some good action as well but it is…

War On The Shore Registration Open This Weekend

 We have opened up registration for War On The Shore this weekend until Sunday at 11:30 PM. We had several ask if they could still register, so we decided to open it back up.  This is general registration only.  T-shirts are already printed and they look great.  ASAP Screen Printing did an amazing job as usual.   I have some extra shirts and even…

Coast Day In Lewes on Oct 7

DNREC displays Delaware’s coastal and natural resources on Oct. 7 at Coast Day in Lewes   LEWES (Oct. 3, 2018) – Delaware’s coastal and natural resources will be showcased Sunday, Oct. 7 at DNREC’s Coast Day education tent on the campus of the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment in Lewes. Coast Day, which runs from…

Nothing Like The Tropicals

   Every year we get a lot of cool tropical fish that show up with the gulf stream.  Storms will push in even more strange fish.  This year we have seen more triple tails than ever before.  A few Cottonmouth jacks were caught off structure.        These butterflies are common to catch this time of year.  This one was caught in a pin fish…

War On The Shore Registration Is Closed And Update

War On The Shore Registration is closed for the first annual War On The Shore Surf Fishing Tournament. WOTS has 181 anglers participating for a first prize of $5,000. All of the prizes have been figured for the amount of participants. First Prize … $5,000 … trophy tidal table Second Prize … $1,500 … trophy tidal table

East End Lighthouse Paranormal Investigation

East End Lighthouse Paranormal Investigation By Torin Federico (Oct 2 2018) ... I can definitely recommend the east End Lighthouse paranormal investigation to anyone interested. My fiance and I went this past Saturday, and really enjoyed the event. The tour is a collaboration between the Cape Water Taxi, Intuitive Investigations, The Lewes

September Comes To An End

Favorite way to end the day is watching the sunset at the point.  Some days it is your basic sunset and other days the clouds and boats really set it off.  Yesterday was no exception, with a little shelf cloud in the distance and the ferry heading to Cape May. We had a good weekend catching bluefish, sharks, and pompano.  The…

Why I Don’t Eat The Crab’s “Mustard”

Everyone loves the mustard in crabs, it isn't fat, that is a myth. The mustard is actually the crab's hepatopancreas. An organ that filters impurities out of the crab's blood. That is where chemical pollution collects and is the main reason I prefer to clean my crabs. The tradition of eating the mustard might not be a

The Show That Shuts Down Surf Fishing

The wind shifting around today made surf fishing a little challenging at the point. Ocean side was much nicer for a while in the morning, then switched to bayside in the afternoon.  That didn't last too long and then it was rough on the bayside in the afternoon and the ocean side calmed down.  Aside from the rough conditions, the added challenge…

Nice Day In The Surf

SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY ... Finally looking nice out despite the morning showers and this wind, the beach and surf look fantastic.  This will be a great weekend.  Cool in the mornings and overnight, nice warm up during the day.  Fall weather at it's best.  The wind will lay down soon enough.  Last day of rain for a while.  Fishing for blues has…

Water Is Still Up On Beaches

Pretty sure today is the last bit of rain for a while, but don't quote me on that. High tide is occurring right now and water is still higher than normal on the beaches.  Just a reminder to watch yourself at high tide if you are driving out there to fish and watchfor the swales that are full.  Event he ones that drain are still too wet to drive…

DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation to host ‘Big Truck Day’ at Delaware Seashore State Park Oct. 6

REHOBOTH BEACH (Sept. 27, 2018) – DNREC’s Delaware Seashore State Park will host its first-ever “Big Truck Day” from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6 at the Indian River Marina. Children of all ages will have the opportunity to get up-close and personal with some of the park’s heavy equipment and special-use vehicles at this family-friendly…

Bill Burton Fishing Pier Is Closed

Today Maryland DNR closed the Bill Burton Fishing Pier in the Bill Burton Fishing Pier State Park.  The pier is getting new lights and needs to be closed for roughly 2 weeks for the replacement work.  Both sides are closed.  From the website ...   "Alert - 9/26/2018: Effective immediately, the Bill Burton Fishing Pier will be closed…

When Carry In – Carry Out Goes Next Level

 If you are going to take cleaning the beaches to the next level, you need a dumpster.  We have asked parks for trash services in some areas, but this is next level.  There is a lot of trash and debris from the recent storms, so this could be very helpful.  We could also use these in key places in the parks to help alleviate the trash…

This Is The Best Time Of Year To Kayak Shop

   It is that time of the year again.  Kayak and SUP rental companies are selling off their used gear for killer prices.  Rental equipment in some cases has to be replaced after a certain amount of time. Getting a used kayak for a couple hundred bucks is a bonus this time of year.  You can still use the yak or SUP because the water is still warm…

Bethany Beach Is Doing A Little Dune Fixing

 Every morning I check the web cams at the beaches just for grins and giggles.  Especially if I know I can't hit the beach soon, because I am not already there.  Even on my way there, or before I leave, I check these cameras.  Always good to see the conditions and check the waves.  This way I know what it will be like when I get to the surf to…

Water Temperatures Are Slowly Dropping

 The water temperatures are holding nicely in the low seventies along the coast and Delaware Bay.  The inland bays dropped a lot during the cool down we had from that front. One thing we don't want to see is a fast water temperature drop.  A slow drop, which is occurring now will keep the summer fish here and get the fall fish excited.  We have the…

High Tide Still An Issue But Calming Down

   SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY .... The waves are still pushing pretty far up the beaches, so watch yourself when you drive out there.  The point is really deceiving at low tide so be prepared to move.  Especially if you are on the edge of the actual point.  That whole area gets wet at high tide.       We should see calmer waves in the next day…

Harvest Moon

September's full moon this year is the harvest moon. The corn is coming down all around Sussex county. Also known as the corn moon to the native americans, it would happen during the time of the corn harvest. This year's September full moon is a harvest moon because it is the closest full moon to the autumn equinox

Dredging The Inland Bays

 I have been researching a project of sorts.  Would it be possible to dredge the entire inland bays?  Just the problematic spots, the entire bay areas, and/or just increase the size of the channels to help flush the bays.    Then maintain these after it has been done.    The problem ... there isn't any science to confirm or deny this would be a…

Fall’s Five Meteor Showers Are Coming

Get your stargazing gear ready it is that time of year.  The five annual fall meteor showers are going to start happening in October.  You can see meteors all summer long on occasion, but these five events put on some of the best shows for this time of year.  Meteor showers occur when the earth passes through comet or asteroid debris trails.  Small…

Goose Barnacles (Lepas anatifera)

I have seen many a goose barnacle on floating debris and trash that washes up on a beach.  They are usually small clusters encrusting the edges of driftwood, plastic bottles, and recently a first for me, the end of a fluorescent bulb that washed up on the beach.  The ones I found after Florence are the largest I have seen and it is probably due…

Watch Your Six If you Drive On

SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY .... The water will be up higher than normal the next few high tides.  Water will easily reach the dune lines in some areas.  Just keep that in mind if you are heading out to surf fish.  Look at the last wrack line to see how far the water came up.  High tide pushed to the dunes in Rehoboth Beach an hour ago.       The surf…

Assateague Drum Action Is Hot

Like clockwork, everyone is heading to Assateague to catch bull red drum and for several anglers their anticipation was answered with some great fish.  Drum fishing is fun at Assateague and the surf is more like New Jersey and unlike Delaware.  I literally think Delaware has a unique surf, unlike all the east coast states. The boys are banging…

i8 The Road, Now For A Swim

Just when you thought you had seen it all.  Not to be out done by Tesla, BMW decided to give their i8 a try in the soft.  I mean if you can out perform just about every car on the road, may as well go for broke.  This new i8 features, the skate wing sand release system.  You just floor it, then the doors flap up and down and lift you to safety.…

Banging That Assateague Drum

  The other yearly fall run that just misses Delaware ... the red drum run.  This happens as far north as assateague island every year and it is some serous surf fishing.  This year's Assateague Red Drum tournament was canceled by the organizers, but the run is in full swing.       Dave Moore has been hooking up with a few bulls.  I know…

Delaware … Additional Sundays are open for deer hunting; certain rifles now allowed for some deer hunting seasons

DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announces expanded deer hunting opportunities for state’s 2018/2019 season   Additional Sundays are open for deer hunting; certain rifles now allowed for some deer hunting seasons DOVER (Sept. 20, 2018) – DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announced today expanded deer hunting opportunities for the…

Thursday Weather Sept 20th

Yesterday the point was beautiful.  The end is a little carved up so during high tide you need to back off pretty far or you will be in the water fast.  I had to move my vehicle a dozen or so times.  There were plenty of birds working the water just too far out to reach.       Holding bottom was not an issue despite the fast current. …

Is There An Oil Tanker On Woodland Beach?

Internet for the win!  Someone shopped a picture of an oil tanker next to the buoy on Woodland Beach.  The buoy washed up during Tropical Storm Gordon.  I have been asked by three DNREC officials if I have heard a rumor of an oil tanker that ran aground in the Delaware Bay.  This picture above is the cause of that.  We have put a orca in the…

Snakes Coming Ashore In Lewes

Snakes Swimming To The Beach After Heavy Storms In Delaware (SEPT 2018) ... This is literally something you would see in a B grade horror movie.  The fact it is true is even better.  Last week after Gordon's visit (storm) there were many snakes spotted near the pier in Cape Henlopen State Park, and coming ashore.. "People were coming in the