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Summer comes to an end but the fishing continues

The summer season is almost over, and the fishing has not changed much.  There are still plenty of flounder showing up at the Old Grounds.   The Indian River Inlet has been decent for flounder, the incoming tide has been better than the outgoing.  Massey's Landing has seen some nice ones pulled from the ditch.  Gulp (chartreuse) on speck rigs,…

Piping plover chicks hatch at Gordons Pond

Piping plover chicks hatch at Gordons Pond  From DNREC .... LEWES (June 18, 2013) – On June 12, four piping plover chicks hatched from the sole nest this year at Gordons Pond in Cape Henlopen State Park. Both adults were seen with the chicks that afternoon. Over at the Point, three pairs of plovers have set up foraging territories along…

Life is a beach, fish it!

The summer temperatures are finally upon us and so are the bugs.  With the wind blowing across the dunes it has been a tad buggy on most beaches.  The Delaware bay beaches more so than anywhere.  That doesn't stop people from fishing.  The surf has been producing kingfish, croakers, spot, ling/spotted hake, shad, flounder, striped bass,…

Bluefish, striped, bass, and flounder in Delaware’s surf

Yesterday morning I was setting up to help a buddy of mine install replacement windows.  Then the phone stats blowing up.  I was sent a picture of Ray Hibbbs holding the 41 inch striped bass he caught in the surf at Beach Plum Island.  The next series of pictures and texts were driving me nuts.  DSF in the surf ... "More fish, and do we post…

Striped bass, kingfish, and spiny dogfish in the surf

Well we had an awesome weekend in Delaware fishing.  The blue crabs have started moving around, showing up in crab pots, and clamming is still excellent.  The striped bass are starting to move around and show up in the surf.  These are our resident bass that are schooling, and getting ready to head up north as migratory striped bass.  Not all…

Flounder have arrived striped bass are soon to run

It has been an eventful few days.  I met CJ of Striper King Gear on Beach Plum Island the other night for some surf fishing and chillaxing in the sand.  He was grilling chicken and taters and they were excellent.  I was torturing everyone on the DSF Facebook page with food and grill pictures.  The weather was gorgeous for a few days, and felt…

DNREC … Harvesting river herring is prohibited

Anglers reminded that harvesting river herring is prohibited DOVER (April 4, 2013) – DNREC’s Division of Fish and Wildlife reminds recreational anglers and commercial watermen that harvest or possession of river herring, a popular baitfish, is illegal in Delaware. Anglers must have a valid receipt from a state or jurisdiction where…

Delaware Surf Fishing Augustine Beach and Woodland Pier

This report is dedicated to the men and women of our armed forces.  Thank you all for what you do, and the sacrifices you make. Monday CJ Jarrell of Striper King Gear also DSF Pro Staff, Kristen Kemper our Chica In the Surf also DSF Pro Staff, Ashley LeCates, Dave LeCates, Bill Miller, and myself  headed north to Augustine Beach.  Several…

ASMFC Releases Summer Flounder Draft Addendum

ASMFC Releases Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXIV for Public Comment Arlington, VA – The Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Management Board has released Draft Addendum XXIV to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan for public comment. The Draft Addendum proposes to stabilize 2013 recreational fishing rules for…

Osprey and fiddler crabs are in the marshes of Delaware

It has been a great weekend.  I spent most of the day Saturday working on license plate orders.  There were people all over the place, beach combing was very successful for many people.  Suzanne Martin ... " Some glass, shells, needle nose pliers, and a piece of pottery...."   Few other folks reported the sea glass finds were great on all of…

Delaware Surf Fishing a week of adventures

Saturday 2/16 Alan and I went to see the Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware at the Saturday fly tie sessions.  We have been very busy at DSF, so I had to back off on updated articles.  There are also a lot of things going on with the fishing regulations this year so we felt it more important to post that information for everyone.  Most of the…

Shellfish Aquaculture Initiative presentation March 4th

On March 4th we will have EJ Chalabala from the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays give a presentation on their Shellfish Aquaculture Initiative, about bringing an Aquaculture industry to Delaware and how the shellfish (Oysters and Clams) will help to clean the water in the Inland Bays. He will also talk about the Oyster Gardening Program and…

Advertising with Delaware Surf Fishing

Are you interested in advertising on DSF?   One of the "bonuses" of advertising with DSF is increasing your searchability online and SEO management.  We help keep you "up there" in the servers, especially with Google's new pay to place format, don't get Scroogled. DSF will bring your website out of the internet basement broom closet, and get…

Delaware Surf Fishing report and Monday’s club meetings

The last few days have been freakishly warm out, and the beach was beautiful, it even smelled like summer.  Kristen Kemper was on 3R's and Fenwick Island beaches.  She found more cool driftwood than she caught fish.  She did find an interesting piece of wood that was part of an old ship.  It has little historical value, according to the folks…

DSF Monday Meeting… I am a Fisherman … Cast For Cancer

Monday evening was a good time.  We had a few folks drop by and check the club out for the first time.  Alan set up to tie flies and demonstrate.  While he was doing that everyone met and chatted about ... fishing.  Alan tied up a bunch of flies.  I brought 2 really nice feathers I found on Broadkill Beach and he tied up a wild looking fly.  I…

Lighthouse Cove Proposal tonight in Dewey Beach

There is a public meeting tonight to discuss proposed bayside improvements in Dewey Beach.  This meeting will be overseen by DNREC.  The proposal is about increasing the width of the bay beach at the end of Van Dyke Street, including adding more piers.  This is part of the Lighthouse Cove redevelopement project.  The meeting will be at the Bay…

Delaware Surf Fishing (DSF) Monday Meeting 2/4/2012

Hey Gang, Happy February and looks like spring will be here early according to Punxsutawney Phil.  So we need to start gearing up and getting ready.  In the spirit of that need we will start doing weekly gear demonstrations and monthly speakers.  The first speaker will be from the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays.  We have several subjects to…