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Delaware fishing report

Fishing update

The Broadkill beach replenishment is rolling 24/7 and is surreal looking.  If you are unfamiliar with that area, the beach is small and close to what little dune bases are left from storms.  The new beach is literally a seventeen feet or so tall and a thirty foot wide berm in front of the houses and old dunes, and then gradually…

Weekend fishing update

The bluefish are still here but the catches are random from the surf, but that doesn't mean you should no try.  People are catching them at Fenwick Island to Beach Plum Island State parks.  Mostly this is happening as they move with the incoming tides, the fish not the anglers.  The Indian River Inlet was crazy over the weekend.  …

Banging The Big Drum in Delaware

The big drum made an appearance the other day and as of last night the catches have increased exponentially.  Fresh clam is the bait of choice and you can find the Black drum from Broadkill Beach to Bowers Beach.  You boaters will need to look in the usual spots at the coral beds.  For the most part they are hitting on the top of…

Annual Spring Surf Fishing Tournament

Annual Spring Surf Fishing Tournament  Saturday, May 9, 2015 Hosted By Old Inlet Bait and Tackle Registration Fees: Men and Women: $25 (16 and over) Kids: all children 15 and under fish free, but must be registered Fishing License Requirement: A fishing license is required for saltwater fishing in Delaware waters. This license…

Weekend fishing was exciting in Delaware

Well the past weekend was rather eventful for fishing, seal watching at Masseys Landing, beach combing, and just chilling at the beach.  I think the Masseys Landing seal watching is going to be an annual event so to speak, until they migrate north.  The water temperatures are on the rise daily, more and more striped bass are being…

Striped Bass Action is Heating up in Delaware

The spring run is definitely underway.  Of course that depends on what you consider the run.  If you base it on the larger part of the Atlantic migratory fish being in your area in full force, then that has certainly not happened yet, but the run has begun.  Residential fish have been on the move and active for the past couple of…

Fishing report and then some

Easter weekend is upon us, everyone have a safe and fun time be safe traveling.  Unfortunately we are looking at some snotty weather for the next 2 days but Sunday is looking pleasant despite the wind.   The water temps are slowly creeping up, the ocean surface temp has been almost 41 degrees.  The Delaware bay this morning according…