Monday everyone went out and up the Delaware Bay for the opener of tautog season. Loaded with green crabs and sand fleas fishing the walls, haystack, and Delaware Bay structure many anglers tried their luck. Several people did well in some areas and anglers struck out in other areas. The haystacks, inner, and outer walls were not hot, and the upper bay structure had the better fishing. Not only were tautog caught but a lot of sheepshead came off the structure on green crabs. To the surprise of Dave Walker and his crew he hooked into a huge sheepshead on green crabs. Joe Morris owner of Lewes Harbor Marina told DSF … “They were somewhere up the Delaware Bay fishing structure for tautog when this behemoth of a sheepshead hit a green crab.” When Dave Walker and crew returned to Lewes Harbor Marina, Joe Morris called DNREC and officer Josh Hudson came out, verified the scales, and wrote up the certification which will be reviewed for official recognition. This 17.1 pound sheepshead is now the pending state record for Delaware. Records are not announced until the end of the year in case this is broken again. Chris Wentz is the previous record holder in 2012 with a fifteen pound eleven ounce sheepshead. Very nice catch Dave!! I am sure it was a big surprise when it was landed while tautog fishing.
Fish On!!
Rich King
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