These life rings are along the rail at the Indian River Inlet, and this Sunday one was put to good use. Big shout out to Jacob Martin from Delmarva Boy Scout Troop 281 in Ocean View for having the life rings installed at the Indian River Inlet for his Eagle Scout service project. Steve DiGirolamo was at the northside checking surf conditions on Sunday when … ” Today, while I was checking the waves at North Side, I saw Gary Revel running off the jetty, grab the ring pictured, and run back to the jetty. I ran up and met him on the rocks and he told me a kid who was body boarding got swept over the rocks and was in the inlet. We managed to get the ring to him and got him up on the rocks, and although scared to death and bleeding everywhere from the scrapes he is going to be ok. Yes, we were there to get the ring to him, but if it wasn’t for Eagle Scout Jacob Martin there wouldn’t have been a ring there to toss. His father was gracious and appreciative, we told him to not let this little incident keep him from surfing, just a learning experience. Heck, I’ve been washed in the inlet before…. just not such gnarly conditions.” Steve DiGirolamo is an Assistant Troop Leader with Troop 281 it makes him proud that our boys are doing something positive for our community. Thank you again Jacob Martin you did a great thing and saved a life on Sunday, Kudos to you.
Fish On!!
Rich King
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