Governor’s Office Seeks Nominees for Delaware’s Obligatory Seat on Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council
(Dover Jan 7, 2022) … The Office of Governor John Carney is seeking candidates to be nominated for Delaware’s Obligatory Seat on the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC). For consideration as a nominee by the Governor for submission to and selection by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a candidate must be a Delaware resident and must complete and submit a nomination application detailing their fisheries background, experience and ability to serve as a council member. NOAA requires that the Governor of each MAFMC state submits at least three nominations for a council seat.
The MAFMC is responsible for managing fisheries in Mid-Atlantic federal waters extending from three to 200 miles offshore from New York through North Carolina. MAFMC members must be prepared to attend six MAFMC meetings a year during a three-year term, with each meeting typically lasting four days. Council members are compensated by the MAFMC for all travel expenses for transportation, hotel and meals, and will also receive a stipend of $519.28 per meeting day.
According to NOAA’s website, nominees’ eligibility for the position is based, in part, on their occupation or other related experience, scientific expertise or training – and they must be knowledgeable and experienced in one or more of the following areas related to the fishery resources within Mid-Atlantic federal waters:
- Commercial fishing, aquaculture or the processing or marketing of fish, fish products or fishing equipment
- Fishing for pleasure, relaxation or consumption, or experience in any business supporting fishing
- Leadership in a state, regional or national organization whose members participate in a fishery in the Council’s area of authority
- The management and conservation of natural resources, including related interactions with industry, government bodies, academic institutions and public agencies
- Representing consumers of fish or fish products through participation in local, state or national organizations, or performing other activities specifically related to the education or protection of consumers of marine resources; or
- Teaching, journalism, writing, consulting, practicing law or researching matters related to fisheries, fishery management and marine resource conservation.
Applications should be submitted to the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife Fisheries Section by March 4, 2022. For a nomination application kit, please contact the Fisheries Section at 302-739-9914.
MAFMC And ASMFC To Consider Final Action On Summer Flounder, Scup, And Black Sea Bass Commercial/Recreational Allocation Amendment
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