DO NOT drive through the wet sand

The Quicksand is on the ocean side of the swale

So we keep saying do not park in or drive through swales. We thought it went without saying not to try to drive between the swale and the ocean, especially do not try to cross the drain (cut). In the wettest sand possible out there besides driving into the ocean. These fellows are learning the hard and expensive way right now. Only six vehicles on the beach this morning and the fellows four wheeling for fun are now stuck. Coastal towing to the rescue. Just because you don’t see a drain, that water in the swale is actually draining below the sand towards the ocean.

jeep stuck on beach, swales, tide pools, flooded beaches, hurricane larry, delaware state parks, drive on beaches
2021 … Rolf Mair got a little jammed up a while back and was on his own “island” We have all done this at one point. When swales fill in you can get stuck on the “hump” between the swale and the ocean. Once you are there you are on an island. Hopefully that is all that happens. Water washing around your tires will sink your vehicle into the sand. Much like when you stand in the surf and your feet sink from the wave action.

Don’t park on the hump of sand between the swale and the ocean. Park above the last high tide wrack line. When the tide comes in that swale might fill with water, hundreds of feet away. Then all of a sudden you are on a sand bar surrounded by water, and can’t get out.
This vehicle survived this ordeal. Do Not Park Close To The Water At Low Tide after storms erode the beach.

swales, surf fishing swales, tide pools, sea witrch, delaware surf fishing, flooded drive on beach, tide pools,
We parked real close to the swale edge and just walked in this was after a Sea Witch festival parade
its a jeep thing, swales, tide pools, delaware seashore state park, delaware surf fishing, flooded beaches, faithful steward, savages ditch
Sept 2021 … Faithful steward crossing flooded beyond the dune fence on the northside.
cape henlopen state park, gordons pond, herring point beach, delaware surf fishing
2020 … Driver quickly changes their mind realizing this was a bad idea after the first splash of sandy water over the hood.
vehicle stuck in the swale or tide pool at coin beach in Delaware Seashore State Park
2020 … Vehicle stuck in the swale or tide pool at coin beach in Delaware Seashore State Park … photo from Rich Feltz
its a jeep thing, swales, tide pools, delaware seashore state park, delaware surf fishing, flooded beaches, faithful steward, savages ditch
Jeep stuck in the quicksand of a swale at Faithful Steward
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Jeep stuck in the swale today … Mark Giblin
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Jeep stuck in the swale today … Mark Giblin
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Vehicle stuck in the swale or tide pool at coin beach in Delaware Seashore State Park when the tide came up real fast. … photo from Rich Feltz
I guess it could have been worse. This Jeep stuck in swale in New York last year.
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I guess it could have been worse. This Jeep stuck in swale in New York last year.
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Our island on the beach,just after the swale drained

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