DNREC Sets Creel Limit On Baitfish


Mummichog minnow (killifish)
Mummichog minnow (killifish)

Poaching has been a serious issue for years.  Now DNREC has decided to fight fire with fire.  There will now be a creel limit on baitfish.  “We need to protect the resources.”  Logically if anglers can only have so much bait then they can only catch so many fish.  Anglers will be allowed four bait fish of any type or combination per angler, per trip, per day when flounder fishing.  Eels are limited to two per person for striped bass fishing.  You will not be allowed to combine baits and must log your trip for the species you are targeting.  If you catch the wrong fish on the wring bait it will have to be put back.  Recreational anglers will no longer be allowed to catch their own bait, due to the new creel limits and mostly because they look silly trying to throw cast nets in public.  “We feel these new rules will help us keep poaching and over-fishing down to a minimum this season.”  Stores will only be allowed to carry six bait fish and two eels each per day, so get there early.  Bloodworms will be distributed by the worm, and limited to twelve inches.  Earthworms are not to be dug up since they are considered the King’s worms in Delaware.

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Fish On!

Rich King


Thank you for reading by now you should have realized it si international don’t believe a thing you read on the internet day …Happy April Fools, now share this and have some fun with your friends.

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