Delaware Surf Fishing Report June 2, 2022

Lot of fish have arrived for catching

Most of Delaware Seashore State Park drive on beaches are still closed. Navy surf fishing crossing will be closed for a while most likely. Walking on and fishing these beaches is amazing, you are all alone most of the time if you don’t mind walking. Delaware Walk On Surf Fishing Locations
The fog the past couple days makes it even more desolate like out there. At least there is the occasional fish to catch with plugs and spoons. I still throw my old school Hopkins every trip. The boat fishing hasn’t been great for spring, the surf fishing however has been rather good. This weekend is early morning low tides to late morning high tides, good surf fishing for hot days. Fishing the outgoing tide to the early afternoon.

Tides this weekend at Indian River Inlet

The sand bars have mostly moved back into the surf zone, but there are still many pronounced drain areas and cuts. A lot of sand is still in the surf zone and it is wide like Assateague and Jersey in many places. It’s really nice to not only see this structure, but actually surf fish it too. In winter when we see these surf structure conditions, there aren’t any fish. We just look at it and wish we had that for the spring and summer and now here we are. Hoping the structure north of the Indian river inlet stays and forms up nicely. That was destroyed by Sandy years ago.

The surf fishing during the weekdays is much better for obvious reasons. Sad to say, but weekend surf fishing, if not done early or later in the day to avoid the crowds, the catching will be minimal in comparison. Try to fish weekdays and you will see much improvement in your catching. Get out before the sun rises, you would be amazed at the amount of life you will in the surf as dawn breaks. Everything is hungry in the morning.
The Modified Mullet Rig Catches More Fish Uses Less Bait

Suzanne Martin catching spot over the weekend with DS Custom Tackle top and Bottom rigs and Fishbites.

Spot and croaker have arrived. Weakfish in the “spike” size are around now too. There have been some larger unicorns caught as well.
Good indication of water temperatures increasing for the summer fish. They are good table fare and food for the predators that are also still here. The beauty of fishing in Delaware is we are in the middle of the east coast fisheries The migratory fish are here while summer fish arrive. Makes for an interesting day and many options. Changing baits regularly helps keep fresh scent in the water. Sand fleas are abundant in the surf. Fishbites have been working very well; Bloodworms, Sand Flea, Shrimp, Clam and Crab formulas are all producing.

Bluefish catches are random and all over the ocean and Delaware bay beaches. The Lewes canal and Inland bays has seen many catches over the past couple weeks. The Cape Henlopen Pier has some daily action.
Good to see these size bluefish here this year from gators down to the three pounder snappers. Perfect for the table. I like bluefish, I don’t care it tastes like fish. We save the carcasses for crab bait. No idea how long these will stick around, but we shall wee. The summer blues will be around later, unless these stick around and eat the small ones because bluefish are cannibals.
By the way if you use a bluefish you caught for bait, it is part of your three fish limit that day, keep the carcass on hand for anyone official checking.

Red drum caught at Assateague few days back by Dave Moore. If you ever want to really learn the island hire Dave for the day as a guide.
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Masseys landing is great place to try for some blues moving through the ditch. The flounder has been slow there, but picking up and the there is always the occasional boat show. Especially when a storm hits and the drinking sand bars empty at once. Total chaos for your viewing pleasure.

A sheepshead was caught at Assateague last week. A few were caught up the Jersey coast as well during the same week. That is really early so maybe blown in wiht the storms or possibly stayed over the winter near a warm water outlet and were pushed out. Don’t know but that is one early catch.

Black drum caught at Assateague few days back by Dave Moore. If you ever want to really learn the island hire Dave for the day as a guide.

The boats going out are mostly targeting sea bass and flounder now. Black drum trips are available for the coral beds too. Check with your favorite charters to see schedules and availability. Weekdays are the best for less competition and more choices. Offshore flounder action is finally picking up for many anglers. The water is warming up slowly this year. Fishbites Fight Club six inch curly tail swim grubs are putting in some work.

Nowcast Water Surface Temperatures For The Delaware Bay And Coast

Links To Look Up Atlantic Coast And Bay Water Temperatures

Get out and fish, the weather has been crazy with fog, then hot as Satan’s back porch, then nice and cool. The weather this weekend is mild and perfect for a day outside without melting. The flies are already bad on the West wind days, use the Damn Fly Meter to help decide your destination for the day. The weekends will be a crowded mess at the drive on beaches. Again go early before sun rise or later in the evening.

DO NOT Drive Through The Wet Sand

Dana showing off her Burrfish catch. The look on the fish’s face is priceless. Sponsored by Starbucks Surf Tag Fight Club

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