Delaware Surf Fishing Report April 6th 2023

Time to bang the drum

The weather is finally keeping us in spring like fashion. Cool nights and warm days. The ground is warming up too all of my soft plastic critters are roaming the gardens we just tilled, and planted. Seeds have been popping for over a week. There are shad all the way up the Delaware. White perch is and has been on the menu for a while now. Migratory striped bass are arriving and swimming by the coast of Delaware. South of us in the OBX the fishing is doing very well for this time of year and is headed this way.

David Moore has done well the past couple days at Assateague using sand fleas for Black Drum

The Delaware commercial anglers are seeing a decent amount of migratory bass in their nets. Don’t harp on that either, the Delaware commercial anglers are far more limited than you think. With twenty good anglers I can out fish a commercial angler’s quota in no time. We are not limited to quotas just trip limits. We can take many trips per day, every day.
Bloodworms for the migratory bass, use a whole worm on a 6/0 hook or better. The DS Custom Tackle Stiped bass Hi Lo rig, or the Surf Rig are a good and legal hook choice for using bait for striped bass. Bunker chunk or surf clam as well for both bas and black drum. Heard of some five pound weakies farther up the Delaware Bay.

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The big news is the new arrivals. Black drum have been showing up in the Delaware Bay this past week. Chincoteague started up a couple weeks ago with some random catches. The frequency has increased. Assateague has gotten much more frequent with catches as well. Everyone is digging up and using Sand Fleas and Fishbite’s Sand Flea Fast Acting formula. All along the beaches sand fleas are easier to find. Low tide in the cuts is the best place to look. Pay attention to the wrack line and look for little flea “holes” as the water recedes. Looking For Fish In The Surf? Check The Current Wrack Line For Leftovers.

Get out and surf fish the action is just starting to go off and you need to be there to catch. I expect to see many catches this weekend in Delaware.|
There are some migratory bass being caught along the beaches as well. Jsut saw a guy drop a rather large on on the island. Clams., sand fleas, and bunker chunks for bait. The Delaware bay drum are full of blue crabs. Look for them moving on the incoming tides into the shallower waters foraging for food. From Beach Plum Island State Park to Slaughter Beach. DS Custom Tackle Drum rigs are great for red, or black drum.

Check out DS Custom Tackle’s Facebook page on Fridays for Fresh Bait Friday, to see who has what bait available in your area.

DS Custom Tackle drum rigs are on point.

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