Delaware Changes Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Recreational Fishing Regulations
Press Release … Delaware Changes Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Recreational Fishing Regulations
Dover (May 5, 2022) … Delaware recreational fishing regulations for summer flounder, scup and black sea bass were changed effective May 1, 2022 to ensure the state’s compliance with regional fisheries management plans (FMP) for these species, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today.
The recreational fishing regulation were instituted to sustainably manage each species consistent with FMP recreational harvest limits and to provide recreational fishing opportunities. The changes are:
Minimum summer flounder size limit was reduced from 16.5 inches to 16 inches, with a continued four-fish daily limit and all-year season.
Scup size limit was increased from 8 to 9 inches, with a continued 50-fish daily limit and all-year season.
Black sea bass size limit was increased from 12.5 to 13 inches while the season was shortened by 20 days (runs May 15 through Dec. 11), with a continued 15-fish daily limit.
For more information on the regulations, contact the DNREC Fisheries Section at 302-739-9914 or see the 2022 Delaware Fishing Guide.
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