Check The Tide Tables And Know The Water
The flats at Cape Henlopen State Park Can Empty Fast At Low Tide And Strand A Boat
This boat is now beached in Cape Henlopen State Park in the flats. Within the closed bay section of the point. Rangers are there now helping. Anchoring up is fun, but know where you are before you choose a place. Skinny water can happen fast, into no water really quick from a blow out tide. That area is too low at low tide if there is water, the flats are shallow. Always check the tide tables and watch the water.
You have to be careful anchoring in the flats at Cape, if you are not in the right area, the wind can blow the tide out quick. Today it certainly did. Then you are stuck and in this case, in a federally closed area. I’m not sure how that closure applies to the beach created at low tide. I do know as long as you are in the water you are fine, there isn’t water there right now.

Boat aground in the closed section of the flats in Cape Henlopen State Park in a blown out low tide.
They will have to wait for the tide to come in to even float that beached boat out. A three hour tour is now a six plus hour wait, possibly with a bill. Tow Boat US might be needed, and they have been alerted as well. I know you can’t walk on that closed bay beach at the point, but a boat or stranded boaters in distress is different.
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