Charles W Cullen Bridge Lit Blue and Yellow For Ukrainian Solidarity

The Charles W Cullen Bridge was Lit Blue And Yellow to honor the Ukrainian people.

Lighting up this bridge is a great tribute. This bridge has become a beacon for many who live and visit here, including many Ukrainian and Russian peoples.
It can be seen for miles off our coast, marking a safe port for all watermen. Now it symbolizes our hope and support for all to be safe in another place half way around the world. I apologize for the “fuzzy” look but the wind was howling out there.

indian river inlet bridge Ukrainian colors, putin is an asshole, bridge lit yellow and blue
The north span of the Charles W Cullen bridge is lit gold

It is a weird feeling to sit in the dark on a cold beach, taking a picture of this bridge. Knowing while I am on this beach in Delaware, people on the other side of the planet are fighting this war. One they did not ask for nor want, and that seems to be the case on both sides. Don’t hold the Russian people accountable for this, hold their leaders accountable. The victims of war never asked to be there, yet suffer the most.

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Mr Zelensky, you sir are a badass!! Because there isn’t a good enough word to describe everything you are and have had to become. I have nothing but mad respect for anyone with that kind of integrity, fortitude and grit when needed. I’ve never met a leader that would stand up like that. We need more leaders like this man and less like we have had in the past, worldwide. We stand with the Ukrainian people and hope for a better tomorrow.

indian river inlet bridge Ukrainian colors, putin is an asshole, bridge lit yellow and blue
Charles W Cullen Bridge lit blue and gold in solidarity with the Ukrainian people
Charles W Cullen Bridge lit blue and gold in solidarity with the Ukrainian people … bridge picture from Masseys L:anding

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