Beach Conditions
The heavy wave action as usual carved the beach into a nice little cliff where the slope starts to drop. Dewey Beach is now getting replenished so that will certainly affect the fishing, not that there is much biting in the surf. Dogfish and skates for the most part. Brian dove (scuba) the Indian River Inlet today to try out his dry suit. From above the water was kind of clear looking, to about four feet. Once he got into the water he couldn’t see twelve inches in front of him. A couple of the long liners dropped by to see what we were doing. We had an EZ up tent for the rain which was good for me, I wasn’t dressed for diving, I am the bubble watcher. All in all he was in for about ten minutes and called it, but he did get to try out his new dry suit. The long liners haven’t had much luck all week. Few short striped bass here and there, but that is about it. The water is about thirty eight degrees, down from forty one degrees a few days ago. Be careful driving onto the beach with that drop off and in general. There isn’t really anyone around this time of year to help you out, you’ll have to call for a ranger or a tow truck.
Few boats were working the rips at the inlet today but didn’t hook up on anything. Not the day for fishing, but you won’t know unless you go. it was pretty nasty out there today.
Fish On!!
Rich King
Waves were pretty heavy today and you can see them shift crossing the cut.
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