Not long ago I told you we were getting together on weekends for beach clean ups, and I had to await approval from the State Parks. Well now we are good to go and approved. Starting this Saturday the 22nd of February at 9 a.m. we will meet at the point in Cape Henlopen State park. That is the drive on entrance just below the weather station. There is a parking lot there as well for people without beach tags or vehicles. Please do not try to drive on the beach without a legal beach tag. We will have a few friends out there with trucks to haul off trash, bags for collecting trash. If you can please bring gloves that would be a big help. We will try to cover as much beach as possible in a few hours and then surf fish for the rest of the day. This Saturday we are looking at 60 degree temperatures on the beach, come out of the snow, get in the sand, and help us clean up the beach. I hope to see you out there. We will clean up a beach every other weekend. The next clean up will be March 8th at 9 a.m. at Fenwick Island. We may change venues, and I will keep you updated as we check the beaches an assess what needs the most attention. However all of the beaches could always use a good cleaning. This past Saturday I was at the point and there was a lot of debris from the recent storms. I collected a bunch of pieces of coal and there were old ship pieces everywhere. I think the items I collected the most was SOLO cups. The parks will be able to give credit to students for volunteer work if anyone is interested and I believe this will also count for boy scouts. You can email me for details admin@delaware-surf-fishing.com . Please come out this Saturday and help us clean up the beaches.
Fish On!!
Rich King
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