Tropical Storm Hermine Heads Toward Delmarva


Tropical Storm Hermine’s predicted path

The last few days the beaches have been flooding from tropical storm surge from tropical storm eight and Gaston.  High tide has flooded the beaches in the swales to the dune lines everyday.  Once the water is up there it take s a while to drain, and by then, more water is pushed into the swales.  There is literally a long “lake” all along Delaware Seashore State Park from Key box to Faithful Steward.  Driving on is impossible except at Keybox and there is barely any beach there.  Fenwick Island has full swales and they are on the beaches as far up as south of Rehoboth.  Cape Henlopen hasn’t gotten much of the brunt of the storm surge but water is coming up and across the beach like an extreme high tide.  When the water does cross the beach to the swales the water fills up fast and it moves up and down beach quickly.  If you do not pay attention you will get stranded in a bad spot.  Every high tide this is occurring and will continue into the weekend.  Keep an eye on the water and the parks will probably close drive on accesses before the tide comes up.  Expect the point to close, water will wash over that area before anywhere else.


Waves predicted by Swellinfo for Sunday …. BIG SURF!

Now for the next storm.  Tropical Storm Hermine has changed its path and is projected to head up the coast.  We are looking at some serious storm surge from this storm that will make the last few days seem like nothing. Not an hour ago friends of mine were pushed off the beach at Fenwick Island two hours before high tide.  The water is already up to  the drive on access road flooding the swales.  Add the storm coming up the coast and we are in for some coastal flooding as well.  There are predictions of waves hitting fifteen feet on Saturday morning.  The brunt of the storm will hit late Saturday night into Sunday morning.   That is when the winds will hit upwards of fifty miles per hour and waves could reach fifteen feet.  I am sure a few surfer guys I know are just drooling right now.   Predictions can change so we will keep you updated.

If you are coming to the beach for the weekend be prepared to move off a beach fast, and in some cases not even go at all.  You can become a storm tourist this weekend, because that is all you are going to be able to do on the water is look at it.  This storm may push some fish in here with it but we will have to wait until Tuesday to even have a chance at catching them.  Just be safe and smart when it gets nasty outside.

Fish On!!

Rich King


From the inlet looking north


Keybox on Tuesday evening incoming tide is 3 hours form high tide …