Striped Bass are Heavy in the Delaware Bay

Maggie Lingo, and Clara Hollingsworth …. Striped bass from the Delaware bay

A few days ago the Delaware Bay blew up with striped bass. John French said they were biting like packs of rabid dogs. Good to see the fall run finally enter DE waters. They have been passing us for weeks, showing up in Maryland and far up the Chesapeake bay. The run is still happening up north and the fish seem to blow up one area for a few days and then it goes quiet. We have little of any striped bass in the surf. The past few days people on the troll in front of Bethany and Fenwick have caught some nice fish. They are several hundred yards off the beach, but that is not to say they will not move into the surf. It will take more than a few people fishing out there and to be in the right spot at the right time if they do make the surf. Many of the fish in the Delaware Bay are stuffing themselves on sand eels. If they are feeding on sand eels finding them in the surf may not be as hard soon. We can only wait, hope and see what happens. The sea bass bite has been excellent and I have seen a few keeper flounder caught here and there from the surf. Bunker and mullet for baits, spoons, plugs, and swim shads for artificials. The boats are having luck with eels and stretch 25’s.
The water temperatures have been steadily dropping, the winds are back off and on, fall fishing is always a joy. Much different from the sun and sand we enjoy in the summer. Sea Bass regulations are changing this year and next … Effective November 11, 2013. The open seasons will now run from May 19 – October 14 and from November 1 – December 31. Each season will have a 20 possession limit, size is 12.5 inches. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend and please be safe and smart out there. We will see you in the sand box all weekend. I should have the tournament details for next year, after the holiday weekend.

Fish On!!
Rich King