
Kayaking Delaware with Jeff Wildonger

Kayaking started out as a means for me to access the inaccessible areas along the Delaware coast that piqued my interest. I’ve always been a wanderer; I like poking around and exploring wild places that are new to me. So when I got my driver’s license at 16, I set out to explore every inch of the Delaware coast. I soon discovered there were many places I couldn’t walk to, so I needed a boat. Not long after I bought a used kayak and instantly fell in love with paddling. Over the years paddling has allowed me to cherish the unspoiled beaches rarely visited in Delaware, and yes they exist. I’ve found dozens of 100+ year old bottles, collected arrowheads that today total over 200 and witnessed nature from the silent stealth of kayak. In 2013 I was finally able to fulfill a dream of kayaking the entire state from the PA line to OCMD over 11 days. I look forward to many more paddling adventures and also sharing those stories with readers.

Jeff Wildonger