Fenwick Island Says No To SeismicTesting


fenwick Island town council, seismic teting int he atlantic, delaware, sussex county
Fenwick Island Town Council … DianneTingle, Williiam Weistling, Gene Langdon – Mayor, Richard Mais … not pictured Julie Lee and Gardner Bunting

On Friday just before the blizzard of 2016 hit the coast.  I attended the Fenwick Island Town Council Meeting with Matt Heim of the Assateague Coastal Trust.  He gave an abridged version of his seismic testing presentation.  The council and some of the town’s citizens watched with great interest.   After the presentation the council voted unanimously on a resolution against seismic testing and ultimately offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean.  The resolution is below.  Big thanks to Matt Heim, and everyone who has been involved with this grass roots movement.  Huge thanks to  Fenwick Island!  They are now the hundred and first town to say no to seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean.

Fish On!!

Rich King





WHEREAS, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is currently in the process of accepting applications from companies wishing to conduct seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean, off of the coast of Delaware and other coastal areas of the Mid-Atlantic region; and

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WHEREAS, seismic testing is a precursor to actual oil and natural gas exploration, including drilling, in the Atlantic Ocean; and

WHEREAS, should oil and natural gas exploration occur off of the coast of Delaware or other coastal areas of the Mid-Atlantic region, the possibility of a disastrous oil spill, such as the BP oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and countless others, poses a significant and real danger to the beaches and marine life of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the economies and quality of life of the Town of Fenwick Island and its neighbors in the Mid-Atlantic region; and

WHEREAS, seismic testing is also potentially devastating to the fish and marine life of Delaware’s coastal communities and our neighbors in the Mid-Atlantic region, as the testing process involves firing a seismic air-gun into the ocean every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for multiple weeks at a time, with the sounds emitted during testing being two (2) times louder than that of a 747 jet engine; and

WHEREAS, such seismic testing has been shown to harm fish, driving them from traditional feeding and breeding habitats, and to injure and kill marine mammals, such as dolphins, sea birds and whales; and

WHEREAS, the risks associated with oil and natural gas exploration, and the precursor activity of seismic testing, far outweigh the potential benefits that will be received from these activities and the residents, workers, property owners, businesses, and recreational visitors (which number in the millions each year for Delaware’s coastal communities alone) of the Town of Fenwick Island and its neighbors should not have to face the threat of an oil spill and should not have to face the impact that such an oil spill and/or that seismic testing will have on the local habitat, property values, quality of life and local economy.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Fenwick Island, Delaware, in session met, a quorum pertaining at all times thereto, that the Town of Fenwick Island, Delaware, opposes the proposed oil and gas exploration and development activities, including but not limited to seismic testing, off of the coast of Delaware and other coastal areas of the Mid-Atlantic region.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolutions shall be sent to the Governor of the State of Delaware and to our Federal and State Congressional Representatives.
Attest: ______________________ _______________________________________
Linda M. Poole, Town Clerk Gene Langan, President of Council

Diane B. Tingle, Council Secretary

I, Diane B. Tingle, Secretary of the Town Council, of the Town of Fenwick Island, Delaware, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution passed by the President and Council at a meeting on April 24, 2015, at which a quorum was present and voting throughout and the same is still in force and effect.
___________________ _______________________________________
Date Diane B. Tingle, Council Secretary

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